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AP Psych Unit Four

2023- 2024, Sensation and Perception

Sensation process which sensory receptors receive energies
Transduction physical to neural activity
Perception process of organizing and interpereting sensory, starts by receiving, then transforming, lastly delivering to the brain energy senses - hearing and sight chemical senses - taste and smell
Bottom-Up Processing completely sensory dependent, externally driven, first time for something and works up to the brain
Top-Down Processing on experiences, expectations, sterotypes and assumptions, prior knowledge
Prosopangoia perception problem
Selective Attention focusing on conscious awareness, particular stimulation
Inattentional Blindness failure to see visible objects
Change Blindness failure to notice change
Cocktail Party Affect singling out a voice amongst others
Absolute Threshold what is the minimum amount of stimulation needed to detect something. Lower means quicker. goes against single detection theory
Single Detection Theory no absolute threshold, depends on the person like: exceptions, experience, alertness and motivation.
Just Noticeable Difference - J.N.D. minimum difference between two stimuli that can be detected at least 50% if the time
Webers Law about % and difference between 2 stimuli must be by a constant percent
Sensory Adaptation nerve cells get bored and stop firing, diminishing a persons sensitivity with constant stimuli
Influence on Perception mental predisposition and context affects
White vs Black in Color Black absorbs everything vs white absorbs nothing
Wavelength creates color, amplitude is brightness of color
Red Wavelength long wave length
Blue short wave length
Hyperopia far sighted
Myopia near sighted
Iris ring of muscle, color portion, controls opening
Retina light senstive area, where cones and rods are
Lens changes shape to help open and focus images
Blind Spot no cell receptors
Fovea central focus poin, eye cones cluster
Optic Nerve carries neua=ral impulse to octpical nerve
Crossing in eye called optic chassim
Cones are for color
Rods perphiny of retina, black, white, gray
Order in Eye, starts from back cones and rodes, then bi polar cell, gaglion cell
Feature Detectors occipital lobe, lines, edges, angles and movement
Parallel Processing processing of many aspects of stimulation
Gesalts P.I.N.K grouping and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Types of Groupings Proximity, Continuity, Similarity, Conectedness, and closure
Figure Ground visual field into objects (figures) and stand out from surroundings (ground)
Depth Perception ability to see 3D
Visual Cliff hardwires to pick up depth (nature)
Retinal Disparities binocular cues, moving images from the retinas in the two eyes to the brain to compute differences
Convergence binocular cues, objects come closer, eyes go together
Linear Perceptive monocular cues,, the closer they cover the further they are in distance
Relative Height monocular cues, the higher things go up, the further away they seem
Relative Size monocular cues, smaller the image, the further away
Light and Shadow monocular cues, concave and convery, closer object have more light and further seem dimmer
Relative Motion. Motion Paralax monocular cues, the faster things move, the closer while further away takes longer like looking out a window when driving
Interposition monocular cues, things are stacked, cover up is the furthest
Motion perspective seeing when there is nothing
Stroboscopic Effect motion in a series of still photos
Phi Phenomenom two lights flashing, gives perception one light is moving
Perceptual Constancies unchange even with different size, shape, color, lightness, when illuination, shap and angle
Perpetual Adaptation adapting to invert perceptual fields
Young-Helmholt Trichromatic Theory color perception comes from 3 different color receptors in retina, Three Types of Cones, blue red green and color blindness is 1 cone working, two cones or three (mono, di, tri)
Oppenent Processing Theory opposing retinal processing enable color vision, red and green, yellow and blue, black and white.
after imagaing looking at imagaing and then blank screen and seeing the image
Cataracts cloudy lenses
Gluacoma fluids build up inside the eyes
Retinopathy blood vessels leak from retina
Macular Regeneration Fovea wears out
Sound Waves amplitude is loudness, length/frequency is pitch example. long waves have low frequency
Pinna external part of ear
Tympanic Membrane or Eardrum skin in ear
Hammer, Anvil/Incus and Stirups.Stapes middle of ear, 3 tine bones that concentrate vibrations
Oval Window conducts vibration to the cochlea
Cochlea inner ear, fluid vibrates basilar membrance bending hair celss forming auditory nerve
Auditory Nerve auditory message to brain through thalamus
Sounds Transduction sound waves are converted to neural impulse
Ear perceiving damage is irreversible
Tinnitus phantom ringing, hears are permanently moved
Conduction Deafness occues when sound cant get through outer and middle ear, some solutions that are possible are hearing aid, bone replacement
Sensorineural Deafness damages to the cochlea hairs or auditory nerves, no way to replace the hears by cochlear implant is possible in some causes
Place Theory determine by the place on baislar membrance
Frequency Theory frequency which hair celss in the cochlea are fired
Gate Control Theory spinal cors has a neurological gate that blocks signals to pass on to the brain. Normally the gate is open by activity of pain signals travelling ip small nerve fibers. This is closes by activities in larger fibers of by information.
Taste consist of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami
Taste Buds chemical sense, age and taste
Evolutionary Psychologist would say that pleasurable tastes attached to protein rich foods that allowed survival
Gustatury relates to taste
Olfaction bulb relates to smell
Smell a chemical sense with 5 million receptorys
Kinesthesia sensing body position and movement of individual body parts, transduction
Vestibular Sense sense of body movement, blance and acceleration
Semicurcular Canals gravity, transduction
Smell enchanes taste
McGurk Affect what we see overrides what we hear
Synesthesia one sense produces another
Created by: anisassyed
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