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20s JBQ Sets 22-end

NLT 20 point questions 436-480

Interruption PointThe rest of the questionAnswer
Question #436 for 20 points: What is the proper method of water baptism? Immersion in water
Question #437 for 20 points: In whose name should Christians be baptized? In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
"Question #438 for 20 points: In communion, what is symbolized by the bread and the cup? The bread represents the body of Jesus, and the cup represents His blood which He shed for our sins.
Question #439 for 20 points: QUOTATION QUESTION. Quote the verse from First Corinthians in which Paul explains the purpose of the Lord's Supper. "(NLT) 1 Corinthians 11:26 For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again.
"Question #440 for 20 points: At the communion service, who is to judge who is worthy to partake? " Each person is to examine himself.
Question #441 for 20 points: How did death come into the world? Death first came as a result of willful sin.
Question #442 for 20 points: What prophecy did Isaiah make concerning Jesus' power to heal? He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases.
Question #443 for 20 points: What was the purpose of Jesus' miracles? They showed God the Father's endorsement [approval] of Him.
Question #444 for 20 points: What is a great lesson from the Book of Job? Not all misfortune which comes to a believer is punishment for sin.
Question #445 for 20 points: What does James instruct us to do if we are sick? We should ask the elders [ministers] to anoint us with oil and pray for God to heal us.
Question #446 for 20 points: What is the Christian's Blessed Hope? The return of Jesus [Christ]
Question #447 for 20 points: What is the Rapture? When Jesus [Christ] returns to take His Church--the saints both dead and living--out of this world
Question #448 for 20 points: Who knows when the Rapture will occur? Only God the Father
Question #449 for 20 points: Why should the coming of Jesus not surprise the Christians? Because Christians do not live in the darkness
Question #450 for 20 points: What two events will happen in heaven shortly after the Rapture? The judgment of Christians and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Question #451 for 20 points: What is the Great Tribulation? The Great Tribulation is a period of extreme trouble and turmoil before the final judgment.
Question #452 for 20 points: What do we mean when we speak of the Antichrist? The man who will rule the world during the Great Tribulation and will attempt to make all people worship him as God
Question #453 for 20 points: What is the Millennium? A future period of one thousand years when Jesus [Christ] shall rule over the earth
Question #454 for 20 points: What will happen to Satan during the Millennium? He will be imprisoned in a bottomless pit so that he cannot tempt people.
Question #455 for 20 points: What will happen at the conclusion of the Millennium? Satan will be loosed from the bottomless pit, and Christ [Jesus] will completely conquer him and his followers.
Question #456 for 20 points: What two appointments will all people keep? Death and judgment
Question #457 for 20 points: What is heaven? Heaven is the place of eternal joy which God is preparing for those who love Him and accept Jesus [Christ] as their Savior.
Question #458 for 20 points: What is done by everyone who looks for Christ's appearing? They keep themselves pure.
Question #459 for 20 points: Who will spend eternity in heaven? Those who accept Christ [Jesus] as Savior and whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life
Question #460 for 20 points: Name five things that will not be found in heaven. Tears, death, sorrow , pain, evil
Question #461 for 20 points: What is the last enemy to be destroyed? Death
Question #462 for 20 points: What is hell? A place of everlasting punishment and torment
Question #463 for 20 points: For whom did God prepare hell? The devil and his demons
Question #464 for 20 points: Who will spend eternity in the lake of fire? All who refuse Christ [Jesus] as Savior and whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life
Question #465 for 20 points: Where did the devil come from? The devil [Satan] was an angel whom God had to punish for trying to make himself greater than God.
Question #466 for 20 points: Why is the devil not as powerful as God? The devil was created by God and has been defeated by Jesus' death and resurrection.
Question #467 for 20 points: Why can't evil powers control a Christian? Because the [Holy] Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.
"Question #468 for 20 points: What should a Christian's attitude be toward spiritism, astrology, and other occult practices? Christians should avoid all occult practices because Scripture specifically forbids them.
Question #469 for 20 points: What happens to a Christian's soul and spirit at death? The Christian's soul and spirit go immediately to be with the Lord.
Question #470 for 20 points: What story of Jesus indicates that both the righteous and the wicked are conscious after death? The story of Lazarus and the rich man
Question #471 for 20 points: What confession of faith in eternal life and resurrection did Job make? Job declared that even though he would die and his body decay he would be resurrected and see God.
Question #472 for 20 points: Who will be resurrected? Both the righteous and the wicked--the righteous to receive eternal life and the wicked to receive eternal punishment
"Question #473 for 20 points: Which chapter of the Bible is known as the "resurrection chapter"? 1 Corinthians 15
"Question #474 for 20 points: In First Corinthians chapter 15, what illustration does Paul use to explain the resurrection of Christians? The sprouting of a new plant from a seed
Question #475 for 20 points: There are over how many references in the New Testament to the second coming of Christ? [Over] 300
Question #476 for 20 points: When will Christians who have died be resurrected? At the rapture of the Church
Question #477 for 20 points: Jesus said that the age or time of His return will be like the days of whom? Noah and Lot
"Question #478 for 20 points: What do we mean when we speak of the "revelation" of Christ? His return to earth to rule and reign for one thousand years following the Great Tribulation
Question #479 for 20 points: What two great events comprise the second coming of Christ? The Rapture and Christ's revelation
Question #480 for 20 points: Which of Jesus' parables tells us that some who claim to be Christians will be unprepared for His return? The Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Bridesmaids
Created by: heatherrobbins09
Popular Religion sets




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