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Grammar, Words, Phrases

Apakah Apakah mereka malas? Asks a question that requires a 'yes' or 'no' answer Are they lazy?
Apa Apa ini? What? What's this?
Siapa Siapa mereka? 'who' or 'whose', or to ask someones name Who are they?
Bagaimana Bagaimana teman Anda? To ask what someone (or something) is like, or how something is done. What's your friend like?
Berapa Berapa harganya? To ask about numbers, quantities, times, and prices. How much is it?
Di mana Di mana toko perabot? To ask where someone (or something) is. Where is the furniture store?
Kapan Kapan Anda lahir? To ask 'when'. When were you born?
Mengapa Mengapa kamu suka mata pelajaran itu? To ask 'why'. Why did you like that subject?
-kah Bisakah dia berenang? The same type of question as 'apakah' (yes or no), but gives more emphasis). Can he/she swim?
Bukan? Di Australia, kebanyakan orang beragama Kristen, bukan? Turns the sentence into a question to confirm the truth of the statement. eg. 'aren't they?', 'isn't that right?', 'right?' In Australia, the majority of people are Christian. aren't they?
1st person pronouns: I, me, we, us saya aku, ku kami kita
2nd person pronouns: you kamu Anda engkau, kau kalian saudara saudara-saudara
3rd person pronouns: he/she, him/her, they/them, him/her/them/it dia mereka -nya
Saya Aku I, me
kami we, us (not including the person being spoken to)
kita we, us (including the person being spoken to)
Kamu, -mu you (informal), your Kamu is used by friends (of the same age), children, and teacher to student. -mu (your) is acceptable in most situations.
Anda you (formal) Used by young adults, adults, and new acquaintances. Also used in advertisements.
engkau, kau you (mostly used in stories)
kalian you (plural, informal) Used when speaking to equals, younger persons or people of lower status.
saudara-saudara you (plural, formal) Used in formal situations, speeches, announcements, and news broadcasts speaking to multiple people.
saudara you Used in formal situations, speeches, announcements, and news broadcasts.
dia he/she, him/her
mereka they/them
-nya him/her, them/it
Apa kabar? how are you?
Saya baik saja. Saya baik sekali. I am really well.
Saya kurang baik. I am not too good.
Saya sakit. I am sick/unwell.
Saya lumayan. Biasa saja. I am ok.
Kenalkan, nama saya. Let me introduce myself (formal)
Kenalkan, namaku. Let me introduce myself (informal)
Siapa nama kamu? What is your name? (informal)
Siapa nama Anda? What is your name (formal)
Tapi panggil saya ___ . Nama panggilan saya ___ . My nickname is ___ .
Suka Saya suka membaca. Like I like reading
Suka sekali saya suka sekali membaca komik. Really like I really like reading comics.
Paling suka Saya paling suka membaca majalah. Like ... best I like reading magazines best.
Senang Saya senang bermalas-malas Enjoy I enjoy lazing about.
Tidak suka Saya tidak suka mengerjakan perkerjaan rumah. Don't like I don't like homework.
Kurang suka Saya kurang suka bermain bola voli. Don;t like ... very much. I don't like playing volleyball very much.
Tidak begitu suka Saya tidak begitu suka bermain bulu tangkis Don't like ... very much I don't like laying badminton very much.
Pandai Saya pandai bermain piano Good I am good at playing the piano
Kurang pandai Saya kurang pandai berolahraga Not so good I am not so good at sport
di (located) on, in at
ke (moving) to, towards
dari (come, coming) from
di sebelah ___ indicates which direction or side something is located.
Utara North
Timur East
Selatan South
Barat West
Kiri left
Kanan right
Many conversational questions omit a pronoun altogether: Kapan tiba di Jakarta? When did you arrive in Jakarta?
Sekolah Dasar (SD) Primary school/education For 6 years
Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Middle School For 3 years
Sekolah Menegah Umum (SMU) Highschool For 3 years
Kurang pasti Saya kurang suka pelajaran matematika karena saya mendapat kesukaran dalam menghitung. Not sure Kurang is used as a negative (like tidak) but isn't as emphatic, it softens the negative impact. I don't quite like maths as I have difficulties in counting.
Aku Hai! Aku adalah Mia. Aku berasal dari Indonesia dan aku orang Indonesia. You, me. Used instead of 'saya' because it's more familiar in tone. Hi! I am Mia. I come from Indonesia and I am Indonesian.
me-kan memuaskan Puas Used as adjectives (describing words) Satifying Satisfied
tertarik akan (+ noun) Mereka tertarik akan perjalanan ke luar negeri. interested in They're interested in travelling overseas.
menarik interesting
membosankan boring
lebih baik better
lebih buruk worse
mudah easy
sulit difficult
seru fascinating
berguna useful
saya lebih suka I prefer
pelajaran kesukaan saya ___ my favourite subject ___
saya paling tidak suka my least favourite
saya pandai I am good at
saya tidak pandai I am not good at
saya paling suka I like (the most)
antara lain Kegemaran saya antara lain memasak memotret dan menjahit among others, include My hobbies include cooking, photography and sewing
rajin belajar Teman Mia rajin belajar ekonomi Works/studies hard Mia's friends works hard at economics
malas belajar Teman Mia malas belajar matematika doesn't work/study hard Mia's friend doesn't work hard at maths.
mendapat kesukaran to have difficulty
mendapat kesukaran belajar to have difficulty/trouble with studying
mendapat kesukaran mengerjakan ___ to have difficulty/trouble doing ___
mendapat kesukaran mengerti ___ to have difficulty/trouble understanding ___
ilmu the study of
siswa-siswi students (male and female)
pelajaran khusus special subject
dari bangku kelas 7 from year 7 onwards
belajar di luar jam sekolah to study outside school time
pendidikan education
pertukaran exchange program
terbuka untuk open to
sekurang-kurangnya at least
pendaftaran registration
pe-an per-an usually nouns and come from a 'me-' or 'ber-' verb (describing word)
pe- Added to a base word, it becomes a noun. Used for people (ie. professions)
-an Added to a base word, it becomes a noun. Used for objects.
Letters of the 'me-' prefix: meng- a, e, i, o , u, g, h, (k) <-- drop the k
Letters of the 'me-' prefix: mem- b, f, (p) <-- drop the p
Letters of the 'me-' prefix: men- c, d ,j, (t) <-- drop the t
Letters of the 'me-' prefix: me- l, m, n, r, w
Letters of the 'me-' prefix: meny- (s) <-- drop the s
nanti Kita akan berangkat nanti. Kita akan berangkat nanti malam. Saya harus memberskan kamar tidur, nanti ibu marah. soon, later, if (you/I) don't, or else We'll leave soon. We'll leave later tonight. I must tidy my bedroom or else mum will be angry.
Created by: sarah.hamill
Popular Indonesian sets




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