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220809 A Saúde

Vocabulario sobre a saúde

SUS Brasil Medicare, Medicaid
Mal gerenciamento poorly managed
Falta de recursos lacking resources
Má administração Poor administration
Todo mundo pode usar SUS anyone can use it
Os usuários podem ser maltratado members are treated poorly
Os médicos são pagos muito bem Doctors are well paid
Os médicos são incentivados a atender bastante usuários Dr incentivized to see many people
Atendimento de baixa qualidade visits are low quality
Vínculo entre paciente e médico link between patient and dr
Relacionamento médico e paciente relationship between dr. and pacient
Farmacêutico Pharmaceutical
Intoxicação alimentar food poisoning
Comestivel edible
Obesos obese
Cobertura roof, covering
Aleitamento lactation
Amamentar breastfeed
Nutrientes nutrients
Anticorpos antibodies
A nutricao nutrition
Janela imunológica immunological window
A gestante the pregnant woman
A cautela the caution
Amas de leite wet nurses
Pasteurizar to pasturize
A bacteria the bacteria
O leite the milk
Dando ré reversing
Queimaduras burns
Lesoes injuries
Pulmão lung
Entubada intubated
Entorpecido numb
Processada processed
Gordura trans trans fat
Sedentaria sedentary
Macas stretchers
Guarda-volumes storage space
Boa forma good shape
Estar em boa forma to be in good shape
As calorias the calories
Emagrecer lose weight
Prevencao prevention
Encarar to stare
Saude complementar complimentary health
Plano de saude Health Insurance Plan
Mensalidade monthly
Usuario user
Encarecer to make more expensive
Baratear to make cheaper
Aumentar o custo increase costs
Despesas expenses
Envelhecer to age
Faixa populacional population range
Derrame cerebral stroke
Prêmios de seguro Insurance premiums
Cobrança da franquia collection of deductibles
Atender a necessidades e orçamento to meet needs and budget
Mercado de seguro de saúde Health Insurance Marketplace
Created by: PewCA
Popular Portuguese sets




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