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T/F A nerve impulse is a wave of depolarization along the cell membrane True
T/F I n myelinated neurons, sodium influx occurs only at the nodes of Ranvier during depolarization True
T/F The neurohypophysis stores hormones produced by the hypothalamaus True
T/F Diseases that affect the cerebellum may affect an animals sense of balance and awareness of the body's position True
T/F Cranial nerve III is purely sensory and responsible for vision False
T/F The stretch reflex involves many interneurons False
T/F Neurons have great reproductive ability False
T/F Nerves for the sympathetic nervous system emerge from the thoracic and lumbar vertebral columns True
T/F In a fight or flight situation, activity in the GI tract is increase False
T/F Acetylcholine is an excitatory catecholamine false
T/F Nicotinic and muscarinic are names for adrenergic receptors?? False, they are names for cholinergic receptors
The part of the nervous system that controls involuntary nervous system functions is what? Autonomic nervous system
During the relative refractory period, the cell may depolarize if what occurs? The stimulus is much larger than normal
T/F Acetylcholine can be either excitatory or inhibitory True
The part of the brain responsible for learning, intelligence, and awareness (higher order functions) is the: Cerebrum
This supplies a rich network of blood vessels that carry nutrients and oxygen to the superficial tissues of the brain and spinal cord Meninges
Sensations from the GI tract are provided by this nerve: X Vagus
The gray matter of the spinal cord contains what? neuron cell bodies
The sympathetic nervous system causes what? Constriction of small blood vessels supplying the kidneys, skin, and GI tract AND pupil dilation
Somatic reflex arcs involve what? Skeletal muscle
Core temperature receptors are located where? hypothalamus
Nocicepters are NOT found in what organ? brain
Most of the structures responsible for hearing are housed in which bone? temporal
The eardrum is also known as what? Tympanic membrane
The receptor organ for hearing is: organ of corti
This structure is thought to enhance vision in dim light in animals (except pigs) tapetum lucidum
This ring shaped structure immediately behind the iris contains muscles that adjust the shape of the lens ciliary body
This bone is attached to the tympanic membrane: Malleus
This sense provides knowledge of body position and movement Proprioception
Articulates with the incus and is attached to the oval window stapes
Fluid with watery consistency produced in the eyes posterior chamber aqueous humor
consists of structures that produce and drain tears from the surface of the eye Lacrimal apparatus
Fluid with a gelatin like consistency behind the lens and ciliary body vitreous humor
Compared with human this sense is highly developed in many animals Olfactory
Pain receptors nociceptors
connects the pharynx with the middle ear and equalizes pressure on 2 sides of the tympanic membrane Eustachian tube
T/F The intestines are located in the ventral body cavity, cranial to the diaphragm False
T/F cartilage is a specialized connective tissue that contains an abundant supply of nerves False
T/F The canine dewclaw is their first digit True
T/F Langerhans cell is a macrophage specific to the epidermis True
T/F Dense, fibrous, elastic tissue make up tendons which are structures that connect muscles to bones True
T/F There are 4 phase in the hair growth cycle False
T/F The mouth, intestines and urinary bladder are lined with epithelial cells True
T/F The goblet cell is described as a multicellular endocrine gland False
The system consisting of glands and hormones is called: Endocrine
The plane across the body that divides it into cranial and caudal portions that may not necessarily equal is: transverse
In animals with white hair, the medulla becomes filled with what? air
This type of cartilage is found in the pinna and epiglottis of animals elastic cartilage
This substance is responsible for the waterproof quality of skin keratin
This tissue transmits information around the body and controls body function nervous tissue
Which phase of hair growth is the resting phase? telogen
Fat, cartilage and bones are examples of what type of tissue? connective tissue
The macrophage is considered a __________ cell wandering
These structures are sensitive to heavy pressure Pacinian corpuscle
Most sebaceous glands empty into what? hair follicle
T/f a tonsil and a lymph node are the same thing False
T/F The spleen is the largest lymphoid tissue in the body False
T/F Peyers patches are found in the lymph nodes False
Which layer of the digestive tract consists of epithelium and loose connective tissue? Mucosa
Which structures are lined with simple columnar epithelium? Stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
What organs play a role in both lubrication and digestion? Salivary glands
Which teeth in both carnivores and herbivores typically have flatter occlusal surfaces used for grinding? Molars
In the adult pig (dental formula 2(I3/3, C1/1, P4/4, M3/3) How many teeth are in the upper arcade? 22
What are deciduous teeth? Baby teeth or milk teeth
How many upper incisors do ruminants have? 0
How does stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system affect salivary glands? It causes salivation
Which animals DO NOT produce amylase in their saliva? Carnivores
What cells are located in the pylorus and body of the stomach? chief cells, parietal cells, and mucous cells
What part of the stomach is responsible for most of the grinding up of swallowed food and regulates hydrochloric acid? Pyloric antrum
Milk in this compartment of a young ruminant can seriously disrupt normal fermentation rumen
Where are trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase produced?? pancreas
Where are bile acids produced? liver
Which animals are hind gut fermentors? horses, rats, rabbits
This route removes nearly all the soluble waste products from blood and transports them out of the body urinary system
Where are thymocytes produced? thymus
Which organ has white pulp ( localize area of lymphoid tissue) and red pulp ( blood vessels, macrophages and blood storage) spleen
What organs function is most important in young animals? thymus
Which salivary glands are located ventral to the ear canal? parotid
cells in the pyloric antrum that secrete gastrin are called? G cells
The most cranial compartment of the ruminant stomach reticulum
The portion of the small intestine immediately following the stomach duodenum
If large amounts of fats and proteins are in the duodenum, this hormone is produced and decreases stomach contractions Cholecystokinin
Cells in the fundus and body of the stomach that secrete hydrochloric acid parietal cells
The type of contraction that moves contents through the digestive tract in waves peristaltic contractions
The true ruminant stomach Abomasum
The longest part of the small intestine Jejunum
The salivary glands located medial to the shafts of the mandible are called? Sublingual
Vitamin B12 must combine with this protein to be absorbed from the small intestine intrinsic factor
Type of contraction that causes mixing movements of the digestive tract contents segmental contractions
Cells that produce pepsinogen in the fundus and body of the stomach Chief cells
Created by: Adeprey4311
Popular Veterinary sets




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