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History of Paris

1st Midterm

St. Denis Worked in secret to bring christianity to Paris in 250 AD. Was caught and killed
Wall of Philip Augustus Built around 1200 around city on both banks. Left room for expansion. Made Paris much safer, allowing it to grow
Wall of Charles V Built in 1390s, included the construction of the Bastille and a dramatic expansion to the Louvre. Built to include agricultural space and leave room for growth.
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572, a massacre of protestants in Paris during the French Wars of Religion. leads to residents forming militias and occupying the city, paving the way for Henry IV to take the throne
Absolutism political concept of absolute control. Absolute monarchs have no checks on their power, claim to be divinely appointed and are the source of all legislature, judicial and executive authority.France's kings were absolute
The Louvre Built at end of the 13th century as fortress and occ. palace and renovated by Henry IV in 1608-long gallery connects to outside of walls. construct. stopped when money ran out. shows that king was not all powerful. eventually rented out as artisan worksop
Pont Neuf new bridge. completed in 1606 by Henry IV as the longest bridge. had no buildings on it - meant to allow good movement. bridge is still highly congested due to informal shops and high use.
Place Dauphine triganular area east of pont neuf developed by Henry IV as a wealthy residential area. all the houses look the same and the streets are geometrically triangular
Place Royale Land on the right bank developed by Henry IV to be a workshop, but is changed to a residential area in 1607. designed after a roman city with a courtyard in the middle which held events such as jousting to keep nobility happy and preoccupied- domestic
Ile St. Louis island next to notre dame. originally owned by church, but after a legal dispute, taken by henry and given to business men. new houses would not sell due to disp., investors go bankrupt. eventually sell and profit.
The Fronde series of rebellions in 1630s and 40s supported by parliament, nobles and bourgeois. dispute over taxes for war with Spain. Louis XIV is forced from Paris as a boy. The reason why he hated Paris and built Versailles.
The Parlement of Paris legal court based in Paris. about 13 of the them. consists of judges in power from noble birth. Are able to control the king by not enforcing the laws he passes, as they did to Louis XVI at the start of the revolution
Versailles A huge Palace built nearby Paris by Louis XIV. The capital is moved here, stealing some of Paris's political power.
Invalides A military hospital for the wounded and lame built by Louis XIV on the left bank. Attracts nobles to the faubourg St. Germain and eventually houses Napoleon's ashes
Place Louis XV A large open public space built after a contest by Louis XV for his victory in the Austrian Wars of Succession. A modest plan on land already owned by king shows the political and financial constraints on the monarchy
Faubourg St. Germain wealthy, royal suburb on the left bank built by Louis XV. Houses are huge and the wealthy are attracted by the Invalide. Holds the St. Germain fair - an amusement park for the rich and the Comedie Francaise - a comedy theater
Faubourg St. Antoine poor agricultural suburb that serves as the entertainment district for the poor. Home of the guinguette- bar. since its outside walls, it is not subject to city laws - cheap, low quality goods
Ramponeau celebrity and owner of the Cafe Ramponeau - the most popular cafe in the Faubourg St. Antoine. Shows redistribution of wealth
Public Sphere the new development in Paris of taking a private space and turning it into a public space by interacting within it. allows everyone to be included and encourages discussion. PLaces like cafes, coffee shops and masonic lodges.
Palais Royal originally a palace owned by a french minister that was turned into a theater/opera house. the crown gives it to a relative- Louis-Philippe. he is in debt so he develops the garden, angering wealthy. turns the new arcade into a place with shops. He is roy
The Bastille a small prison serving as a weapons depot and acting as a symbol of royal power. is seiged and disassembled brick by brick on july 14th 1789. shows how spaces built by monarchs are used as meeting places to bring them down.
Sections when monarchy brought back to paris,estates general split the city into first 60 then 48 electoral districts,with equal pop.and 1 vote. poor districts tend radical and radical people attend meetings.Coord.throughParisCommune.are reason monarchy falls
Pantheon a church that is confiscated after revolution and turned into burial area for revolutionary figures. symbolic, treating revol. as new religous figures.
Arrondissement 12 districts that replace sections after revolution in 1795. attempt to dilute radicalism.regular meetings are banned nad only meet when election
Vendome Column one of the few monuments built by Napoleon on the site of one of Louis' monuments. built in style of roman column, showing his ambitionsto be emperor. statue of napoleon is removed when monarchy returns
Place Concorde The site of Louis-Philppe's egyptian obelisk. was a former plaza of Louis XV. reprents Louis Philppe's interests in restoring the glory that napoleon sought in the east. pleases bonapartists
Haussmann Louis Napoleon's right hand man that was put in charge of redoing Paris. a city planner. wants to prevent uprisings, remove poor from center, improve sanitation, health beauty, order, communication, transportation and movement.
Paris Commune the group that coordinated the sections during the revolution. the fact that paris had its own municipal governmnet allowed for radicals to communicate and run the revolution
July Monarchy the government set up after Charles X gives up power. set up by the liberals because the radical republicans dont ave a plan headed by Louis-Philippe. Makes concessions to the other groups. Is eventually overthrown due to tension stemming from immigration
Louis-Napoleon the nephew of Napoleon who is elected into power after Louis-Philippe falls. rules with iron fist and declares himself emperor.puts haussman in charge of paris
Urban History tends to be interdiciplanary, working closely with social history, art, architecture, geography, sociology, music. urbanization is a process.
Paris as a Religous center chrisitanity comes to paris in the 3rd century with st. denis. Paris remains important christian city and many churchs are built. leads to many universities being built and becomes a center for religous edu. in 16th century, becomes center for calvanism.
city walls and the expansion of Paris starts out on Isle of City, spreads to both banks. Outgrows both wall of philip augustus and Charles V. turned into boulevars in the 18th century
the limits of absolutism running out of money, the nobility, the Parliament, the common people and the church
Henry IV's building projects Lourve, Pont Neuf, Place Dauphine, Place Royale, Ile St. Louis
Royal Monuments Place Louis XV, Place Vendome, Place Concorde, July Monument of 1840
Faubourgs and suburban sprawl in Paris rich - Faubourgs St. Honroe - rich neighboorhood where money = social stauts and St. Germain. Poor - St. Antoine and St. Marceau - poor dense area that is center for production, particularly tanneries
The Enlightenment and Public Spaces people coming together in public spaces leads to conversation and allows everyone to participate. allows the most movement of thought and ideas
Elite and popular entertainment in Paris elite - coffee shops and cafes, st. germain fair, theaters. Poor - guinguettes- bars and taverns
Paris city government during the French Revolution of 1789 estates gereral splits city int 60 then 48 sections that answer to the Paris Commune - each has one vote and equal pop. allows revolution to communicate and act.
Napoleon: Emperor of Urban Administrator skills as a general translate well into administaration. He micromanages everything. building many practical and rational improvements including new roads, real estate, universities, water systems, fountains, grain markets and warehouses.
Created by: 1119806726
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