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Cardiovascular -CV


Number of chambers in the heart four
Each upper chamber of the heart is called an atrium
Lower chambers of the heart are called... ventricles
The inferior tip of the heart is called the apex
What is the number of valves that control the flow of blood through the heart? four
The heart valve that has three triangular cusps (leaflets) is called the ...... tricuspid valve
The heart valve that lies between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk is called the pulmonary valve
The muscular layer of the heart is called the myocardium
The innermost layer of the heart is called the endocardium
The outermost layer of the heart is called the pericardium
The body cavity that contains the lungs and the mediastinum is called the thoracic cavity
Small arteries are called arterioles
Small veins are called venules
The smallest blood vessels of all are called capillaries
Do veins carry blood toward the heart or away from it? toward
Do arteries carry blood toward the heart or away from it? away
The largest artery in the body is the.. aorta
The artery in the neck that is used to feel the pulse during CPR is called the carotid artery
The jugular vein is located in the ...... neck
The pacemaker of the heart is the... sinoatrial node
The contraction phase of the heart is called... systole
The relaxation phase of the heart is called... diastole
The word that means "pertaining to the heart and thoracic cavity" is cardiothoracic
The word that means "pertaining to the heart and lungs" is cardiopulmonary
The layers of cells that line the walls of a blood vessel are called endothelium
The suffix that means "study of" is -logy
The combining form for heart is cardi/o
The combining form for blood vessel is vascul/o
The combining form that means movement in a circular route is circulat/o
The combining form that means "upper chamber of the heart" is atri/o
The combining form that means "lower chamber of the heart" is venricul/o
The central wall that divided the heart into left and right sides is called the septum
The combining form for septum is sept/o
The combining form for apex is apec/o
The combining form for valve is valvul/o
The prefix tri- means three
The prefix bi- means two
The combining form for the aorta is aort/o
The combining form my/o means muscle
The prefix for "innermost, within" is endo-
The prefis peri- means around
The prefix that means "upon, above" is epi-
The combining form that means "wall of a cavity" is pariet/o
The combining form for mediastinum is mediastin/o
The combining form thorac/o means thorax
The combining form for "cellular layer" is theil/o
The combining form "arteri/o" means artery
The combining form that means "small artery" is arteriol/o
The combining form that means "drawn together, narrowed" is constrict/o
The combining form that means "dilate, widen" is dilat/o
The combining form that means "structure that encircles like a crown" is coron/o
The prefix that means "below; underneath; less than" is sub-
the combining form clav/o means clavicle
The combining form that means "axilla, armpit" is axill/o
The combining form "brachi/o" means arm
The combining form that means "radius; x-rays; radiation" is radi/o
The combining form for the ulna (forearm bone) is uln/o
The combining form "abdomin/o" means abdomen
The combining form "ren/o"means kidney
The combining form that means "femur; thigh bone" is femor/o
The combining form that means "tibia (shin bone) is tibi/o
The combiing form that means "point of entry" is port/o
The combining form that means "clearly visible" is saphen/o
The combining form that means "body as a whole" is system/o
The combining form that means "outside of a place" is ectop/o
The combining form that means "unknown, individual" is idi/o
The suffix that means "enlargement" is -megaly
The suffix that means "disease or suffering" is -pathy
The suffix that means "condition of the blood" is -emia
The suffix that means "process of development" is -trophy
The suffix that means "inflammation or infection" is -itis
The combining form that means "narrowing; constriction" is sten/o
The prefix that means "slow" is brady-
The prefix that means "fast or rapid" is tachy-
The prefix that means "bad, painful, difficult" is dys-
The prefix that means "away from, without" is a-
The prefix that means "outside of, extra" is extra-
The prefix that means "above" is supra-
The combining form that means "soft fatty substance" is ather/o
The combiing form that means "hard; sclera (white of the eye)" is scler/o
The prefix that means "above; more than normal" is hyper-
The combining form that means "lipid. fat" is lipid/o
The prefix that means "before; in front of" pre-
The prefix that means "below; deficient" is hypo-
The combining form "orth/o" means straight
The prefix that means "through; throughout" is per-
The combining form that means "dead cells, tissue, or body" is necr/o
The combining form that means "thrombus, clot" is thromb/o
The suffix that means "process of recording" is -graphy
The suffix that means "record or picture" is -gram
The suffix that means "the process of measuring" is -metry
The suffix that means "instrument used to examine" is -scope
The suffix that means " act of using an instrument to examine" is -scopy
The suffix that means "treatment" is -therapy
The suffix that means "instrument used to measure" is -meter
The combining form "sphygm/o" means pulse
The suffix that means "surgical removal" is -ectomy
The suffix that means "condition; abnormal condition" is -osis
The suffix that means "surgical repair or reshaping" is -plasty
The combining form "cutane/o" means skin
The suffix that means "tissue for implant or transplant" is -graft
The suffix that means "surgical puncture or procedure to puncture" is -centesis
The suffix that means "instrument used to cut" is -tome
The prefix "anti-" means against
The prefix that means"complete; completely through" is dia-
The abbreviation for "coronary artery bypass graft" is CABG
The abbreviation for "arteriosclerotic heart disease" is ASHD
The abbreviation for "mitral valve prolapse" is MVP
Created by: GKSMS97
Popular Medical sets




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