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Psych 241- Test 2

Cephalocaudal Development growth goes from top to bottom
Proximodistal Development growth goes from center of body towards the extremities
Lateralization specialization of a function in one hemisphere of the brain or the other
Integration neural connections strengthen
Differentiation neural connections organize
Blooming large amount of synaptic growth
Pruning use it or lose it
SIDS Infant stops breathing, usually at night, dies without apparent cause
Moro Reflex When startled, throws body & limbs outward
Palmer Reflex Grasps tightly when hand is touched
Babinski Reflex Fans out toes when foot is touched
Tonic Neck Reflex Clenches fists and turns head to right when placed on its back
Habituation decreased responsiveness to stimulus after repeated presentations of the stimulus
Visual Preference look at objects different lengths of time, prefers human face the most
Visual Cliff drop off covered by glass, newborns don’t crawl, recognize glass at 3-4 months
Assimilation concept of using existing schemes to deal with new information or experiences
Accommodation concept of adjusting existing schemes to fit new info and experiences
Imitation ability biologically based, can imitate facial expressions within days of birth
Object Permanence idea that even though they can’t see the object it still exists, begins at 8 months
Symbolic Representation child gains the ability to mentally represent an object that is not present (between 2-4 years of age)
Attention the focusing of mental resources on select information
Crying language that appears at birth
Cooing language that appears at 3-5 months
Babbling language that appears at 5-7 months
Gesture physical form of language that appears 8-12 months
One-Word Speech language that appears at 1 year
Telegraphic Speech language that appears at 18 months
Child-Directed Speech (CDS) language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences
Overextension tendency to apply a word that is inappropriate for the word’s meaning
Underextension tendency to apply a word too narrowly
Behaviorist Theory of Language Development argued language is chains of responses acquired through reinforcement
Language Acquisition Device (LAD) Noam Chomsky, humans are biologically prewired to learn language at a certain time and way
Reflexive Smile does not occur in response to a stimulus, during first month after birth, usually during sleep
Social Smile smile that occurs in response to an external stimulus, occurs as early as 2 months
Stranger Anxiety begins 6-9 months, fear and wariness of strangers
Separation Protest crying when the caregiver leaves
Goodness of Fit refers to the match between a child’s temperament and the environmental demands with which the child must cope
Trust vs. Mistrust Sensitive, responsive, consistent care promotes trust
Social Referencing reading emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in a particular situation
Secure Attachment low anxiety and low avoidance
Avoidant Attachment low anxiety and high avoidance
Anxious/Ambivalent Attachment high anxiety and low avoidance
Disorganized-disoriented Attachment high anxiety and high avoidance
Strange Situation (Ainsworth) assesses stranger anxiety and separation anxiety by seeing if the presence of the caregiver provides security and confidence
Self-Concept image of ourselves
Personal Agency “I can do that”
Self-Efficacy The belief that on can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes. “I’m great at that.”
Reciprocal Socialization children socialize parents just as parents socialize children
Scaffolding infant experiences turn-taking with the parent
Created by: 1450464460
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