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Digestive System

There are four basic layers of the digestive tract. Arrange them in order from the lumen (deep to superficial). mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and serosa
Which part of the tooth bears the force of chewing? enamel
The small intestine is specialized for absorption. The absorptive effectiveness is enhanced by increasing the surface area of the intestinal wall. Which of the following accomplish this task? plicae circularis and intestinal villi
Which two types of secretory cells make up the salivary glands? serous cells and mucous cells
The stomach stores and mechanically breaks down food. In addition, the stomach also ____________________. initiates protein digestion
The functions of the digestive system include: 1. Absorbing nutrients 2. Ingesting food 3. Moving food through the digestive tract 4. Forming and eliminating waste 5. Digesting food
The digestive tract is a muscular tube extending from the ___________ to the __________. Mouth; anus
The accessory organs of the digestive tract include: 1. teeth 2. pancreas 3. liver 4. gallbladder
List the following tissue layers of the digestive tract in order as they occur from the lumen to the most external layer: 1. serosa, 2. mucosa, 3. muscularis externa, 4. submucosa 2, 4, 3, 1
There are ___ primary teeth. 20
Surgical cutting of the lingual frenulum would occur in which part of the body? tongue
The largest salivary gland, which is located just anterior to each ear, is the ____________________. Parotid gland
The crown of a tooth is covered by _______________, the hardest substance in the body. Enamel
The pharynx is divided into __________ anatomical regions. 3
What part of the alimentary canal carries food to the stomach? esophagus
How many layers make up the esophagus? four
The most superior region of the pharynx that has only respiratory functions is the ________________. Nasopharynx
Which structure closes to seal off the larynx during swallowing? Epiglottis
The muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach is the _______________. Esophagus
_______________________ is a condition that occurs when the contents of the stomach are regurgitated into the esophagus. Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
The contents of the stomach are normally sequestered in the stomach by the _________________________. Lower esophageal sphincter
Chyme is created in the _____________. stomach
What secretory cells of the stomach secrete hydrochloric acid? parietal cells
Pepsinogen, a digestive enzyme, is secreted by which cells of the stomach? chief cells
are gastric glands chief cells
The regions of the stomach include: 1. body 2. fundus 3. cardia
The sphincter that regulates the movement of chyme from the stomach into the duodenum is the ___________________. Pyloric sphincter
The folds of the inner stomach lining that allow the stomach to expand are called _____________. Rugae
The fatty apron that extends from the greater curvature, which is part of the serosal layer of the stomach, is called the ___________. Greater omentum
The last portion of the small intestine is the ____________. ileum
If an incision had to be made in the small intestine to remove an obstruction, the first layer of tissue to be cut is the . serosa
Sheets of serous membrane that hold the digestive tract in place are the _____________________. mesenteries
All of the following secrete substances into the duodenum EXCEPT _____________. salivary glands
The small intestine is specialized for _____________________. absorption
Created by: jlope211
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