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OC Fall Final

Use for Final

history The study of written records
primary source a first hand account of a past event
epic A long poem in dignified language that tells the story of a hero
oral history knowledge that is passed down from one generation to the next by word of mouth
artifact any object left behind by people and studied by us
meridians another name for "lines of longitude"
culture A people’s way of life that includes food, music, clothing, religion, etc.
archaelogy the study of the material remains of the past
strata different layers of an archaeological site, each representing a different time period
city-state a city, surrounding wall, and surrounding farmland
geography The study of the physical features of the earth, its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected.
polytheism the belief in many gods
circumference the distance around a circle
monotheism the belief in only one god
Sumer the world's first civilization
equator an imaginary line that runs around the center of the earth, halfway between the North and the South Poles at 0 degrees latitude
ziggurat a Sumerian temple; translates as "mountain of god" or "hill of heaven"
cuneiform means "wedge shaped" and was the system of writing developed by the Sumerians
social class Rich and poor, powerful and weak are examples of…
Mesopotamia translates as "the land between two rivers"
Who created the Hanging Gardens in Babylon for his wife? Nebuchadnezzar II
Who did God test by asking him to sacrifice the son he was promised? Abraham
Who created a famous code of laws? Hammurabi
What is the code we studied that is mentioned in the Bible? "an eye for an eye"
Who created the first empire? Sargon
Whose name means "the father of many nations?" Abraham
Who had his dream interpreted by Daniel? Nebuchadnezzar II
Who had a friend named Enkidu? Gilgamesh
Who was the king of Uruk? Gilgamesh
Who was born in Ur? Abraham
Who punished Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego for not worshiping his idol? Nebuchadnezzar II
What are 3 important inventions made by Sumerians that are still used by us today? The wheel, writing, and irrigation
Who is the oldest written story in the world about? Gilgamesh
Who wrote "an eye for an eye?" Hammurabi
What does BC stand for? Before Christ
What does AD stand for? Anno Domini=in the year of our Lord
What are the 5 features of a civilization? stable food supply, specialization of jobs, social levels, organized government, higher forms of culture
What are some contributions of Mesopotamia that we still use today? irrigation, writing, wheel
What does "an eye for an eye" mean? "An eye for an eye" means that if you harm someone, the same would be done to you. For example, if you injured someone's eye, then your eye would get injured in return. In Hammurabi's day, the consequence was different depending on one's social status.
What does the Bible say about "an eye for an eye?" The Bible quotes this law in the Old Testament and they followed this rule as it was a part of their culture. However, in the New Testament, Jesus brings up this law and tells us that we should not repay evil for evil but "turn the other cheek."
Whose mother floated him down the Euphrates in a basket? Sargon
Study your map! Label all 7 continents  Label the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans  Circle Mesopotamia  Label the Equator and Prime Meridian  Draw a compass rose
If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off: Is this law more fair or unfair? Tell me what is fair about this and what is unfair about this. Then tell me whether it is more fair or more unfair. Use essay formatting.
fossil the remains of plants and/or animals preserved in stone
Who was given a set of Laws by God? Moses
Created by: OaksHistory



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