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NCCT Phlebotomy

Part II Review and Reference

The heart, lymphatic organs and blood vessels are in the ______system Cardiovascular
The Forearm vein most commonly used for venipuncture Medial Cubital
The smallest veins in the human body venules
The aorta branches into smaller divisions called arteries which in turn branches into even smaller divisions called Arterioles
Characteristics of capillaries include Having thin walls Forming microscopic pathways Connecting arterioles with venules
Within the capillaries blood cell functions include Releasing oxygen Binding carbon dioxide Eliminating waste
The suffix -URIA at the end of a medical term refers what body location Urine
The study of blood is known as Hematology
The liver stomach mouth and pancreas are in the _____system Digestive
The most important step to ensure accuracy in sample collection is Identifying the patient properly
The bladder, kidneys, urethra, and ureters are in the _______system Urinary
The trachea, nose, lungs, and pharynx are in the _____system Respiratory
The sebaceous glands, skin, hair , and nails are in the ________system Integumentary
The body system that is the primary regulator of hormones is the _______system Endocrine
Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes are types of______ White blood cells
The common name for thrombocyte is________ Platelet
The liquid portion of an anticoagulated blood sample is known as __________ Plasma
The instrument that measures blood pressure is called sphygmomanometer
An artery can be distinguished from a vein because an artery will be_______ Pulsating
Lancets are used to collect blood samples by Capillary or skin puncture
The abbreviation VAD is commonly used in hospitals to refer to _________ Venous access devices
To determine the size of a needle, remember that the higher the gauge the __________ the smaller the needle bore
Adult capillary punctures most often involve use of the _______finger Third and fourth finger
A centrifuge is used in a clinical laboratory setting to_____ separate liquid from cells in blood
TH oral glucose tolerance test is used for detection of_______________ Diabetes
Use a _______-top evacuated tube for collection of blood for CBC test Lavender
Use a _______top evacuated tube for collection of blood for electrolyte testing Red
Sodium citrate is an anticoagulant of choice for coagulation studies because it protects Clotting factors
When preparing a blood smear directly from a skin puncture, it is best to_______ wipe away first drop of blood
The order of draw recommended by CLSI (2007) for the tubes listed 1. Blood Culture tube 2. Coagulation tube (BLUE) 3. Serum tubes (RED) w/ or w/o clot activator gel 4. Heparin tube (GREEN) w/ or w/o gel plasma separator 5. EDTA (LAVENDER) 6. Glycolytic inhibitor
The purpose of doing blood cultures is to detect____ septicemia
Anticoagulants are used to_______ Prevent blood from clotting
White blood cells help the body by________ Defending against foreign invaders
Platelets help the circulation by Participating in hemostasis
When blood seeps into the surrounding tissue during venipuncture, a _________may form. Hematoma
In a patient with a clotting disorder, pressure should be applied to the puncture site for at least ________after venipuncture to insure blood stoppage 5 minutes
Skin punctures may be indicated for use when________ 1.The patient is an infant, toddler, or preschooler 2.only a small amount of blood is needed 3. Patient veins need to be preserved for IV therapy
All specimens should be labeled with________ 1.Patient's name and (numeric ID) 2. Date and time the specimen was drawn 3.Collectors initials
When performing a skin puncture, squeezing the finger too tightly may dilute the blood with _________and ruin the test Tissue fluid
One test often used to assess hemostasis before surgery is__________ Bleeding time
One possible cause of unexpected clotting in an anticoagulated blood tube might be Insufficient mixing
When performing a venipuncture, position the bevel of the needle _______ facing up
If blood does not appear in an evacuated tube upon venipuncture, a phlebotomist's first course of action should be to_________ Slightly re-position or turn the needle
Redirecting a needle during venipuncture is sometimes necessary when 1.the vein was not properly anchored 2.The patient moves unexpectedly 3.Blood flow starts, and then stops
A vein might be prone to collapse if the__________ 1.Vacuum tube is too large for vein 2.syringe plunger was pulled back too quickly
Hemolysis would cause rejection of a sample collected for_______testing Potassium
If a patient is prone to syncope during a venipuncture, the phlebotomist should watch in case of fainting
A tube of blood that arrives in the laboratory without a label must be Rejected automatically
If a blood sample should be collected 2 hours post-prandial, the phlebotomist should collect the sample 2 hours after a meal
Knowing when to collect peak and trough levels is important when drawing Therapeutic drugs
A pre-warning technique may be used to Increase patient's tendency to bleed
The role of all anticoagulants is ultimately to prevent formation of_______ Fibrin
The anticoagulant EDTA works by Binding calcium
If the tourniquet is not released before the needle is withdrawn from the arm during venipuncture, this will most likely result in_______ Bleeding from the site
This test is light sensitive Bilirubin
The______must be followed exactly whenever drawing a patient test samples that may be used in a legal proceeding Chain of Custody
The anticoagulant SPS ( sodium polyanetholesulfonate ) is recommended for use in blood cultures because it_________ Does not inhibit bacterial growth
Before entering a inpatient room if the *door is closed*, phlebotomist should always________ Knock, ask for permission to enter and check for isolation signage
Before entering a designated *Isolation rooms*, phlebotomist should always Check requirements on signs
The single most important means of preventing the spread of infection in a hospital is by________ Hand washing
The most prevalent type of nosocomial infections are those of the_______ Urinary tract
Phlebotomist have a statistically greater chance of contacting _________in a work-related incident than they do of contracting AIDS Hepatitis
AIDS is caused by HIV virus
When performing a heelstick on infants in a hospital nursery, it is important never to Share supplies from one infant to another
When delivering blood samples to a laboratory, they should always be transported Inside sealed plastic bags
If a biohazard spills in th laboratory, a phlebotomist should first try to__________ contain the spill
According to OSHA, a contaminated needle may be safely discarded into a _______ Sharps container
In most hospitals, a phlebotomist with a cough may draw blood from a patient provided the________ 1.Patient is not in reverse isolation 2.phlebotomist wears a mask 3.Phlebotomist does not have a fever
When drawing blood from pediatric inpatients, a phlebotomist can increase safety for patients by _________ 1.getting help to hold the patient securely during the draw 2.using a smaller bore needle and smaller collection tubes 3.making sure the bedrails are left raised if found that way
To eliminate bacteria from the skin of a bacterial culture venipuncture site,_____is sometimes used in addition to alcohol in the skin cleansing process Iodine
The term that refers to the right and wrong conduct is________ Ethics
An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another is Assault
Law protects the health worker if it can be determined that he or she acted reasonably as compared with fellow workers; this is called reasonable care
Negligence by a professional person is called Malpractice
The ability to see things from another person's point of view is______ empathy
A violation of a person's right not to have his or her name, photograph, or private affairs made public without given consent is _____ Invasion of privacy
Information given by a patient to medical personnel that cannot be disclosed without consent constitutes_______ Privileged communication
Failure to do something a reasonable person would do under ordinary circumstances, or doing something a reasonable person would not do under ordinary circumstances thereby causing harm to another person is called_______ Negligence
Permission granted by a person voluntarily (and in his right mind)is_______ consent
A phlebotomist who attempts to draw blood without sufficient training could be accused of___________if the procedure is performed incorrectly, causing harm to the patient Incompetence
Forcing venipuncture on a patient who has refused it would be considered_______ Battery
The branch of study of moral issues, questions,and problems arising in the practice of medicine and biomedical research is called Bioethics
Conduct, Courtesy and Manners, customary in the medical profession, is called______ Medical Etiquette
each and every patient is entitled to_______as part of his/her patients rights respect and complete care
Some suggested methods for controlling on the job stress during phlebotomy might include_____ Taking deep breaths if anxious
An appropriate means of communicating with a patient who is profoundly hearing impaired might include_______ Using written communication
In performing phlebotomy on children, it is best to________ 1.Talking softly and gently 2.enlist the help of parents 3.tell the truth if asked
In approaching and elderly patient, it is appropriate to call the patient by name using_____ Miss, Mrs. or Mr.
A patient who is making a fist and frowning is exhibiting______body Language Uncooperative
A rubber or plastic tube used to drain or inject fluid through a body opening is called______ Catheter
A 24-hour urine specimen must be kept________ refrigerated
A chronic disease in which the pancreas fails to secrete enough insulin is called________ Diabetes Mellitus
The purpose of the Bleeding Time test is to assess_______ Platelet plug formation in the capillaries
Diurnal rhythms refer to cariations in the body's functions or fluids that occur during_______ Every 24 hours
EMLA is an emulsion of lidocaine and prilocaine that can be used to_______ Topically anesthetize a draw site
Another name for red blood cells is Erythrocytes
The artery located in the groin, lateral to the femur bone, which is used as an alternative site for arterial blood gas collections is the______ Femoral
The federal law that was expanded in 2000 to protect the confidentiality of electronically stored health information is abbreviated as________ HIPPA
The study of all aspects of disease in the body is known as Pathology
The phase of laboratory testing that refers to test orders, test collection and test samples preperation are all part of the ______phase Pre-analytical
A patient in reverse isolation has been so placed because s/he________ Needs protection from others carrying infection
EDTA Anticoagulant in LAVENDER top tubes
NaCitrate Anticoagulant in BLUE top tubes
ABG Arterial Blood Gas
FUO Fever of Unknown Origin
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
H&H Hemoglobin and Heatocrit
CBC Complete Blood Count
Electrolytes Red top or Speckled tub
QC Quality Control
CDC Center for Disease Control
_______are contaminated objects that can penetrate the skin including, but not limited to needles, scalpels, broken glass, broken capillary tubes, and exposed ends of dental wires Contaminated sharps
Reasonable possibility of skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee's regular duties is termed Occupational exposure
Examples of "Personal Protective Equipment" Gloves.Aprons,Mask
To use a physical-chemical procedure to destroy all microbial life including highly resistant bacterial endospores is to Sterilize
______is the single most important source of HIV and HBV in the workplace. Blood
OSHA requires that training and educational information on bloodborne pathogens be provided to hospital or clinical employees At no cost to them
All workers who jobs involve participation in task or activities with exposure to blood or other body fluids, to which universal precautions apply, should be vaccinated with a ______vaccine Hepatitis B
After they are used, disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades and other sharp items, should be placed in __________containers for disposal Puncture resistant
Broken glassware that may be contaminated should be picked up by________ Mechanical Means (broom/dustpan)
Contaminated laundry should be__________where it was soiled. Bagged or containerized at the location
A specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employees duties in called Exposure Incident
In the health care field when all evaluated services and the results compare with accepted standards, principles of________have been used Quality Assurance
The federal government requires that specimens are transported or shipped in_______ watertight containers
The classification the physician's office laboratory (POL) falls into will be determined by__________ Complexity of laboratory test performed
Test that basically pose insignificant risk to patients if errors occur in the test performance are called Waived test
When you send blood tubes by mail for analysis in a watertight container, they should be enclosed in___________ Second durable watertight container
When you send specimens in the mail, the label should state________ 1. Biohazardous material 2. Incase of breakage, send to CDC 3. Address of Lab
Created by: syluntdove
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