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Vocab list 5-SAT

list 5 SAT words for school

indelible cannot be erased from the mind
docile easily led and contrloed
disingenuous sneaky and not candid
debunk expose, or throw out a wrong idea
fabrication fasley reported data
idiosyncradic quirky and unique to an induvidual
acquiesce docile and submissive
incontrovertible cannont be denied
decorum proper behavior and conduct
pertinent very relevant
impeccable perfect or faultles
disheveled messy and untidey
peerless without equal
boisterous energetic and rowdy
eloquent well expressed and persuasive
exuberant full of life
obstreperous noisy and boisterous
relevant important to the topic being disscussed
candid honest and sincere
destitute poor without any means of support
ambivilent vague and undecided
bolster give it more support
debilitating causes great weakness
demeanor personality
egregious outstandingly bad mistake
fitful "on and off" ... not continuous
formidable inspires fear or respect
fractious easily irritated or bad-tempered
grovel to humiliate yourself or lower your standards to be accepted
innocuous harmless
meticulous careful and detailed
obsequious grovels
plausible likely to believed
plethora large amount
prudent wise and cautious
stoic doesn't WHINE or COMPLAIN when things arent going well
strident loud and harsh when speaking
succinct short and well-expressed
undermine weaken or overthrow
wistful sadness and longing
callous cruel and unfeeling
cower shudder or cringe
desolate bare and uninhabited
disseminate to spead information
entrenched very firmly established
exacerbate to make it worse
flagrant a clear and undeniable violation
grandiose exagerated
languish to become weak
ostentatious too showy
pernicious sneaky and very harmful
pungent strong smell
resolute forceful and determined
sedentary does not involve much movement
trounce beat thoroughly
unequivocal unaninmous and unhesitating
unwarranted cannot be justified
vitriolic strong, agressive criticism
voracious ready to gobble everything up
wallow to feel sorry for yourself
aero air
aud hear
co together
re again
dom state or quality of
ful full of
adversary an enemy; someone who is not supportive
advocate a supporter; to stand up for someone or something
antagonize to harass
arbitration the process of having group decisions made by an outsider
benevolent being kind and helpful; wishing to help others
collaborate to work together to accomplish a goal
concur toagree in opinion
consensus the process of making decisions based on a group agreement
devious being dihonest and sneaky
diligent working hard and putting fourth great effort
extraneous not necessary
elicit to get a response or information from someone
eradicate to get rid of
feasible being possible; being likely to happen
furtive doing something in a devious way to avoid being seen
implore to beg or plead in a desperate way
irascible easily angered
instigate to provoke someone to do something
integrity the quality of having honor, morals, and principals
valor the quality of courage and bravery
Created by: jawelsch
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