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World History Vocab

those persons who supported the ratificarion of the Constitution in 1787-1788 Federalists
Plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 that aimed to unite the 13 colonies for trade, military, and other purposes; the plan was turned down by the colonies Albany Plan of Union
those powers that both the National Government and the States possess and exercise Concurrent Powers
recall Repeal
Formal approval, final consent to the effectiveness of a constitution, constitutional amendment, or treaty Ratification
plan presented by delegates from Virginia at the Constitutional Convention; called for a three-branch government Virginia Plan
Plan presented as an alternative to the Virginia Plan; called for a unicamiral legislature New Jersey Plan
Least number of members who must be present for a legislative body to conduct business Quorum
System ofgovernment in which public policies are made by officials selected by the voters and are held accountable in periodic elections Representative Govt
Basic principle of American government in which states that government is restricted in what it may do and each individual has rights that govt cannot take away Limited Govt
a legislative body with one chamber Unicameral
a legislative body with two chambers Bicameral
the power to make a law and to frame public policies Legislative Power
All of the goals that a government pursues in all of the many areas of human affairs in which it is involved Public Policy
a form of government that is diveide into a central government and several local governments Federal Govt
power the constitution gives the national government because it is the governmetn of a sovereign state Inherent powers
a pact made directly by the President with a foreign country Executive Agreement
states that government and officials are subject to the law Rule of Law
delegates who drafted the constitiution Framers
power of court to derermine constituionality of governmetn actions Judicial Review
system allowing branches of powers to check on each other Checks and Balances
power given to the National Government by Constitution Delegated Powers
legal process by which a fugitive is returned to the state of crime Extradition
states that all citizens are entilted to certain rights regardless of the state they reside Privileges and Immunities Clause
a change in or addition to a constitution or law Amendments
grants of Federal money or other resources to states, cities, Grants in Aid Program
group of persons chosen in each state and the District of Columbia every four years who make a formal selection of the President and Vice President Electoral College
a form of government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite Oligarchy
a joining of several groups for a common purpose Confederation
the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Government
a system of government in which a written constitution divides power between a central, or national governemnt and several regional governments Federalism
a form of government in which the leader has absolute power and authority Dictatorship
Basic principle of federalism; the constitutional provisions by which the governmental powers are divided by a geographic basis( in the United States, between the National Government and the States) Division of Powers
the delegated powers of the National Government that are suggested by the ecpressed powers set out in the Constitution Implied Powers
Chief Executives power to reject a bill passed by the Legislature Veto
introduction Preamble
Numbered sections of a document Articles
Having supreme power within its territory Sovereign
form of Federal aid to states under which they give the state, city, and countries a share of tax revenue. No restrictions Revenue Sharing
Created by: Grandy92
Popular History sets




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