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Digestive Review AP2

Functions of Digestive Sys Digests food and absorbs products
6 activities of system Ingestion, mechanical digestion, propulsion, chemical digestion, absorption, defecation
2 types of movement and definitions peristalsis (pushes food) and segmentation (alternating bands of contraction that MIX food)
Functions of salivary glands cleanse the mouth, moisten/dissolve food, aid in formation of bolus, start chem digestion
Number of teeth (deciduous and perm) 20 and 32
3 types of salivary glands parotid, sublignual, submandibular
layers of muscle in stomach longitudinal, circular, oblique
Types of secretory cells in stomach mucous, parietal, chief
Function of mucous cells secrete mucus
function of parietal cells secrete HCl and intrinsic factor (necessary to absorb B12)
function of chief cells secretes pepsinogen
Phases of gastric secretion cephalic, gastric, intestinal
Cephalic Phase (excitatory/inhibitory events) excit: sight/thought of food stimulates smell and taste receptors inhib: loss of appetitie, depression, decrease in PNS
Purpose of cephalic phase prepare stomach for digestion
Gastric Phase (excitatory/inhibitory events) excit: stretching stomach, activate chemoreceptors (inc pH, peptides) inhib: pH<2 or emotional upset that overrides PNS
Chemicals released during Gastric Phase Gastrin (from parietal cells), ACh (for production of more gastric juice), Histamine
Intestinal Phase (excitatory/inhibitory events) excit: low pH inhib: fatty, acidic, hypertonic chyme and stretching
Define Plicae Circularis circular folds that move food through sm. intesting in a corkscrew manner with villi
Function of segmentation brings food in to contact with wall of small intestine
Function of villi increase surface area of capillary beds
Function of Lg. intestine absorb H20 and water-soluble vitamins -NOT vital for life
Define teniae coli bands of longitudinal muscle
Define Vermiform appendix structure off of cecum with a small immune role
Order of Chemical digestion for Carbs Startsin mouth with salivary amylase, moves to stomach where amylase deactivates, moves to pancreatic amylase, transported into cap bed of sm. intestine, then to liver via hepatic portal system
Pepsin cleaves bonds of amino acids and digests proteins in stomach
3 substances produced by sm. int for protein digestion Trypsin, Chymotripsin, Carboxypeptidase (splits at carboxy end)
Created by: 1159767578
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