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There are___bones in the human body. 206
epiphysis The expanded ends of a bone. (Plural is epiphyses.)
diaphysis The main shaft of a long bone. (Plural is diaphyses.)
metaphysis That part of the bone which is located between the epiphysis and the diaphysis.
periosteum The connective tissue membrane which covers the bone.
endosteum The thin membrane which lines the marrow cavity of a bone.
cortical bone The adjectival form of the term cortex, which refers to the outer layer.
cancellous bone A spongy structure, refers mostly to bone tissue.
osteocytes Mature bone cells.
lacunae Small cavities containing mature bone cells. (Singular is lacuna.)
canaliculi The narrow channels through which the osteocytes extend. (Singular is canaliculus.)
Lacunae are small cavities of mature bone cells.
Bone tissue which is spongy is cancellous bone.
The diaphysis is the main shaft of a long bone.
Endosteum is the lining of the marrow cavity.
The outer layer of a bone is called the cortical bone.
The metaphysis is between the epiphysis and the diaphysis.
Canaliculi are narrow channels of osteocytes.
Epiphysis refers to the expanded end of a bone.
The membrane surrounding the bone is called the periosteum,
Ostecytes are mature bone cells.
The ethmoid is part of the skull and literally means 'sieve-like.'
The occiput gives rise to the occipital bone and is the posterior part of the head.
The term nasal denotes relationship to the nose.
Concha means literally 'a shell' and is used to describe structures which are shell-like in shape.
The mandible is the lower jaw bone.
Zygomatic can describe either a process, a bone, or an arch.
A foramen is a natural opening or passage.
The upper jaw is made up of the maxilla.
Shaped like a Greek letter is the lambdoid suture.
Condyloid means resembling a knuckle or rounded bone.
cervical spine 7 vertebrae located in the neck area Abbreviated C1–C7; concave
thoracic spine 12 vertebrae located in the upper back Abbreviated T1–T12; convex
lumbar spine 5 vertebrae located in the lower back Abbreviated L1–L5; concave
sacral spine 5 fused sacral vertebrae Two sides are smooth for joining with pelvic bones; resembles a triangle
coccyx Single bone fused from 4–5 coccygeal vertebrae at base of spine Also called the tailbone
Articulate means to loosely connect or join
Thoracic vertebrae articulate to 12 ribs to create a protective cavity for the heart and lungs (thoracic cavity)
intervertebral discs Fibrous tissue and cartilage between the vertebrae to absorb spinal compression and shock
lumbar spine lower back
intervertebral discs between the bones of the spine
cervical spine the neck
thoracic spine connects to the ribs
articulate join
sacral spine triangular shaped
coccyx tailbone
Consisting of five vertebrae, the _____ is the lower back. lumbar spine
_____ means loosely connect. Articulate
Consisting of seven vertebrae, the _____ makes up the bones of the neck. cervical spine
Five fused vertebrae make up the _____. sacral spine
The _____ corresponds to the chest cavity and consists of 12 vertebrae. thoracic spine
The _____ is also called the tailbone. coccyx
The spine is made up of several discs; the cartilage and fibrous tissue between them are called _____. intervertebral discs
* clavicle (collarbone) (1 per side for a total of 2)
* scapula (shoulder blade) (1 per side for a total of 2)
* arm bones (3 per side for a total of 6)
o humerus (upper arm)
o radius (forearm)
o ulna (forearm)
* carpal (wrist) (8 per side for a total of 16)
* metacarpal (hand) (5 per side for a total of 10)
* phalanges (fingers) (14 per side for a total of 28)
* os coxae (hip/pelvic bone) (1 per side for a total of 2)
* femur (thigh) (1 per side for a total of 2)
* patella (kneecap) (1 per side for a total of 2)
* tibia (leg) (1 per side for a total of 2)
* fibula (leg) (1 per side for a total of 2)
* tarsal (ankle) (7 per side for a total of 14)
* metatarsal (foot) (5 per side for a total of 10)
* phalanges (toes) (14 per side for a total of 28)
The bone which runs between the two sets of ribs is the _____. sternum
There are five sets of bones which make up the pelvis. They are the pubis, _____, __________, __________, and the ischium. sacrum, ilium, coccyx
There are three sets of bones which make up the ankles/feet. They are the _____, __________, and __________. tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges.
Four bones make up the leg; they are the femur, _____, tibia, and the __________. patella, fibula
The shoulder consists of the _____ and the __________. clavicle, scapula
The bones which hold up the head are the _____. vertebrae
The sternum divides the _____. ribs
The main bone of the upper arm is the _____. humerus
The two bones of the forearm are the _____ and the radius. ulna
The name of the head bone is the _____ or __________. skull,cranium
The bones of the wrist and hand are the _____, __________, and __________. carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
The bone which runs between the two sets of ribs is the _____. sternum
There are five sets of bones which make up the pelvis. They are the pubis, _____, __________, __________, and the ischium. sacrum, ilium, coccyx
There are three sets of bones which make up the ankles/feet. They are the _____, __________, and __________. tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges.
Four bones make up the leg; they are the femur, _____, tibia, and the __________. patella, fibula
The shoulder consists of the _____ and the __________. clavicle, scapula
The bones which hold up the head are the _____. vertebrae
The sternum divides the _____. ribs
The main bone of the upper arm is the _____. humerus
The two bones of the forearm are the _____ and the radius. ulna
The name of the head bone is the _____ or __________. skull,cranium
The bones of the wrist and hand are the _____, __________, and __________. carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
The humerus is a _____. long bone
The clavicle is shaped like the letter _____. S
The upper arm bone is called the _____. humerus
Which of the following is NOT related to the scapula? epicondyle
Which bone lies against the rib cage, between ribs 2 and 7? scapula
(8 carpal bones). hamate scaphoid trapezium pisiform trapezoid lunate triquetrum capitate
phalanges fingers
ulna pinky-side bone
carpals wrists
tuberosity prominence
metacarpals hands
olecranon point of elbow
radial notch joint of the ulna and radius
radius thumb-side bone
The forearm bone closest to the pinky. ulna
The forearm bone closest to the thumb. radius
Which of the following is not part of the ulna? malleolus
A bony prominence. tuberosity
Allows articulation with the carpals. styloid process
femur thigh bone
ischium lower part of the "eye mask"
acetabulum the head of the femur fits into this
os coxae hip bone
patella kneecap
The superior portion of the femur consists of all but which ONE of the following? ischium
Which of the following is NOT part of the hip bones? trochanter
The socket portion of the femur ball-and-socket joint. acetabulum
Protrusions at the inferior end of the femur. medial and lateral epicondyles
Thigh bone. femur
metatarsals feet bones
tarsals ankle bone(s)
phalanges toes
malleolus protects the ankle
tibia larger lower leg bone
How many phalanges are in the foot? 14
The more fragile of the lower leg bones. fibula
The stronger and bigger of the lower leg bones. tibia
Which is not a tarsal bone? epicondyle
Which of the following do the metatarsals rest upon? arches
Long bones are bones whose length is greater than their width, such as the bones of the extremities (tibia, fibula, femur, radius, ulna, humerus).
Short bones are shaped more like cubes and are generally found in the ankle and wrist (carpus and tarsus).
Flat bones are found in the cranial vault, sternum (breastbone), shoulder blades, and ribs. Flat bones are made up of a layer of marrow (diploe) sandwiched between two layers of compact bone.
Irregular bones are a mix of irregularly shaped bones that do not fall into any of the other bone-type categories. They are found in the face, spinal column, and hips.
Sesamoid bones are mostly rounded masses embedded in certain tendons and are usually related to the surfaces of joints. Included in this group are the patella (kneecap), metacarpophalangeal joints of the hands, and metatarsophalangeal joints of the toes.
Wormian bones are small bones found between suture lines of the skull where the edges of the skull bones are joined together.
patella sesamoid
ribs flat
ankle short
femur long
fused skull bones wormian
shoulder blades flat
humerus long
wrist short
hips irregular
face irregular
Created by: trinka
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