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Rad 112 CH 1

Notecards to Study

Matter anything that occupies space
Mass is the quantity of matter contained in any physical object
kilogram s the scientific unit of mass – “kilo” stands for “1000” – A “kilogram” (kg) is equal to 1000 grams
Weight describes the mass of an object in a gravitational field
Energy ability to do work
The joule the unit of work
Potential energy ability to do work due to position
Kinetic energy energy of motion
Chemical energy energy released by a chemical reaction
Electrical energy work that can be done when an electron or electronic charge moves through an electric potential
Thermal energy (heat) energy of motion at the molecular level (kinetic energy of molecules)
Nuclear energy energy contained in the nucleus of an atom
Electromagnetic energy energy resulting from electric and magnetic disturbances in space
radiation Energy emitted through space is called
exposed or irradiated Matter that intercepts radiation and absorbs part or all of it
Ionizing radiation any kind of radiation capable of removing an orbital electron from the atom with which it interacts
ionization occurs when an x-ray passes close enough to an atom to transfer sufficient energy to the electron to cause it to escape from its atom
ion pair The orbital electron and the atom from which it was separated
2 main Sources of Ionizing Radiation – Naturally environmental radiation – Man-made radiation
Natural environmental radiation consist of 3 components – Cosmic rays – Terrestrial radiation – Internally deposited radionuclides
Discovery of x-rays 1895
Thomas Edison develops fluoroscope 1898
Collimation and filtration developed 1899
Snook transformer developed offering more controlled voltage and current production 1907
Coolidge hot filament x-ray tube developed to replace cold filament Crookes tube. Used with the Snook transformer it gave greater accuracy in use of the voltage and current so specific techniques could be used for each body part 1913
ASRT (first professional organization) developed 1920
First grid to removed scattered radiation 1921
First automatic processor 1942
Image intensifier tube developed for fluoroscopy screens 1948
Tomography developed 1951
Ultrasound 1966
PET and CT 1970s
MRI 80s
CR, DR 2000s
Clarence Dally, Thomas Edison’s assistant, had to have both his arms amputated and died in 1904
ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Created by: speedybee43
Popular Radiology sets




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