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IOC4 Module 6

Key terms from IOC4 Module 6

1846 - proposed amendment that would ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. Free Soil Movement
Movements started in the 1820's working towards the abolishment of Slavery. The majority of early members were motivated by religious/spiritual conflicts with slavery. Early efforts were tied to returning blacks to Africa. Abolitionist Movements
an American abolitionist, women's suffragist, editor, orator, author, statesman and reformer. First African American to be nominated for VP. Publisher of the "North Star" 1847. Frederick Douglas
merican Abolitionist, journalist, and social reformer. Published the "liberator" in 1831 William Lloyd Garrison
an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and Union spy during the U.S. Civil War. After escaping from captivity, she made thirteen missions to rescue over seventy slaves. Harriet Tubman
1852 author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin". Novel attacked and exposed the cruelty of slavery and became influential in the US and Britain. The book was seen by many as a major catalyst of the Civil War. Harriet Beecher Stowe
1854 - Repealed the Missouri compromise line and split the Louisiana purchase into two territories and allowed settlers to accept or reject slavery by popular sovereignty. Enflamed the slavery issue and led opponents to form the republican party. Kansas-Nebraska Act
1854- Illinois Senator - Author of the Kansas-Nebraska act. Wanted to expand territories for rail development. Stephen A. Douglas
Series of 5 congressional statues enacted to calm sectional crisis. Admitted CA as free state, allowed popular sovereignty in New Mexico and Utah, ended slave trade in CD, paid compensation to TX for New Mexico, and strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act. Compromise of 1850
1850 - Federal law denying suspected fugitives a trial by jury, right to testify, and minimal constitutional rights. No effective safeguards against kidnapping free blacks. New Fugitive Slave Act
1854 - Established following the enactment of the Kansas-Nebraska act. Party members were opposed to the extension of slavery in the western territories. The Republican Party
1857 - Slaves could not be citizens and were property of their owners. Missouri compromise was deemed unconstitutional, legalizing slavery in all territories. Dred Scott Decision
1859 - John Brown and men seized the federal arsenal and hoped that slaves would rise up and fight a guerilla war from the Appalachian mountains. Harper's Ferry
Fervent abolitionist, he led raided Harpers Ferry and tried to free slaves to fight for his cause. He was executed for treason. John Brown
Set the stage for the Civil War with the election of Abraham Lincoln. 4 party election. Lincoln -Republican Stephen Douglas -North Dem.John C.Breckinridge -Sth. Dem.John Bell - Const. Union Election of 1860
the sixteenth President of the United States. He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, saving the Union and ending slavery, only to be assassinated as the war was virtually over. Abraham Lincoln
War fought over the Southern States rights to cede from the United States The Civil War.
Provisional president of the Confederacy and commander in chief of the Confederate forces. Jefferson Davis
A career United States Army officer, an engineer, and among the most celebrated generals in American history. He is best known for fighting on behalf of the Confederate Army in the American Civil War. Robert E. Lee
an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869–1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War. Ulysses S. Grant
an American soldier, businessman, educator, and author. He served as a General in the Union Army during the American Civil War (1861–65. Criticized for the of the "scorched earth" tactics used against the Confederacy. William Tecumseh Sherman
1860 - First shots fired in the Civil War. Confederate army shelled the fort for 40 hours until the Union surrendered. Battle of Fort Sumter
First major defeat of the Union forces as they attacked Confederate forces gathered at Manassas Junction Virginia. Battle of Bull Run
1862- April 6 and April 7, 1862, in southwestern Tennessee. Confederate forces launched a surprise attack against the Union Army of Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and came very close to defeating his army. Battle of Shiloh
1862 - Sept 17th. Bloodiest single-day battle of the Civil war. Robert E. Lee vs Gorge McClellan. 23,000 casualties. Battle of Antietam
July 4 1863 - Vicksburg is surrendered to U.S. Grant after two month siege. The Confederate surrender is sometimes considered, when combined with Robert E. Lee's defeat at Gettysburg the previous day, the turning point of the war. Battle of Vicksburg
(July 1–3, 1863) The battle with the largest number of casualties in the Civil War and is frequently cited as the war's turning point. Union Army of the Potomac defeated attacks by Confederate Army of Virginia, ending General Lee's invasion of the North Battle of Gettysburg
First ironclad warship commissioned by the US Navy. Winner of first ironclad warship battle with the CSS Virginia. The Monitor
First Confederate ironclad warship, renamed the USS Virginia. The Merrimac
North had manpower and supplies but needed to overtake the Confederate states and stomp out resistance. The South lacked the resources but could fight battles they selected and simply needed to resists until the North gave up. Advantages and disadvantages between the Northern and the Southern states.
January 1st 1863 - Lincoln proclaims that slaves of the Confederacy are free. This made clear that abolishment of slavery was an explicit war aim of the North. Emancipation Proclamation
April 9th 1865 - General Robert E Lee surrenders to the Union in Virginia effectively ending the Civil War. Appomattox Courthouse
April 14th 1865 - John Wilkes Booth shoots the President during a play at the theatre. Lincoln Assassination
Actor who assassinated Abraham Lincoln at the Ford Theater. John Wilkes-Booth
Location of Lincolns assassination. Ford Theatre
1863-Reconstruction plan proposed by Lincoln to readmit Confederate states. Creation of state government, pardon for all Southerners (except Leaders), and readmission of any state after 10% of voters signed a loyalty oath and they abolished slavery. Ten percent plan
Republicans headed by Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner. Insisted on black suffrage and federal protection of blacks civil rights. Radical Republicans
The seventeenth President of the United States (1865–69), succeeding to the Presidency upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He was one of only two U.S. Presidents to be impeached. Andrew Johnson
1865- Agency established by Congress to provide freedmen with shelter, food, medical aid, establish schools and employment. Freedman’s Bureau
Laws passed by Southern states during reconstruction in effort to maintain prewar social order. Tied freedmen to field work and prevented them from becoming the white mans equal. Black codes
Northerners who moved south during reconstructions. Carpet Baggers
Southerners who helped the government during the reconstruction Scalawags
Prewar Democrats, Confederate Vets, Southern Whigs taking over Southern government. Believed in Laissez-Faire economics & White power. Redeemers
1866- Secret terrorist organization established in TN to stop the reconstruction, disfranchise the african american, restore prewar social order. Ku Klux Klan
1864 - Required the majority of former Confederate state's white males take a loyalty oath and guarantee equality for blacks. Pocket vetoed by Lincoln. Wade Davis Bill
1865 - Amendment Prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude. 13th Amendment
1868 - Provided citizenship to ex slaves and protected equal rights under law for all citizens. 14th Amendment
1870 - Prohibited denial or abridgement of the right to vote by state/federal government based on race, color or prior slave status. 15th Amendment
President Grants failure to continue to enforce 14th and 15th amendments Primary cause of the end of Southern Reconstruction
1876-1965 Separate but equal public facilities and status for non-white groups. Jim Crow Laws
(1896) United States Supreme Court decision in the jurisprudence of the United States, upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation even in public accommodations (particularly railroads), under the doctrine of "separate but equal". Plessy vs Ferguson
Created by: AaronHamilton
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