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Electron and Atom

The arrangement of electron around the atom

Danish scientist who contributed greatly to our knowledge of the electrons arrangement in the atom Niels Bohr
Emission Spectrum The light emitted from a element when heated. light passed through gasoues sample. black wavelengths. atom goes from excited to ground
Colour of Lithium flame Crimson
Colour of Potassium flame Lilac
Colour of Sodium flame Yellow/Orange
Colour of Barium flame Green
Colour of Strontium flame Red
Colour of Copper Flame Blue/Green
Orbital (Bohr Definition) The fixed path an electron takes as it revolves around the nucleus
Energy Level The fixed amount of energy that an electron in an atom has.
Level an electron starts on before energy is applied Ground state
Level an atom moves to after energy has been applied Excited
Equation used to calculate the energy given off by an electron E=hf
What does h stand for in E=hf Planck s Constant
The correct order of the sublevels s p d f
Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle It is impossible to measure at the same time the velocity and the position of an electron, we can only talk about the probability of an electrons position
New definition of an orbital An orbital is the region around the nucleus within which there is a high probability of finding an electron. (95%)
Shape of an s orbital spherical
Shape of a p orbital dumbbell
Limitations of Bohr Theory? Only works for Hydrogen, not other elements Did not take into account energy sub levels Did not take into account orbitals
bohr theory electrons move around in fixed paths. orbits. definite energy level. cannot gain or loose enrergy in an energy level. when thr absorb energy they move up a level. excited state. unstabel. fall back down go ground state. stabel. light emmited
n1 n2 n3? n1= lyman series. invisible/florence. n2= balmer seris. visible. n3=paschen series. invisble ir
absorbption spectrum white light. gasoues sample of element. light emmited has wavelegths missing. atom goes from ground to excited
how do we know atoms have energy levels? only definite amounts of energy emmited this implies atons can only occupy definitr energy level. thus atoms have definite enrgy levels
why does hydrogen emmision spectrum have so many colours? many atoms of hydrogen in a sample. electrons in atoms have diferent energynlevels. therefore different amounts of energy are emitted and different colours emitted
sub levels sub divisions of energy levels. groúp of atomic orbitals in an atom that have thr same amount of energ
Created by: cbschemistry
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