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CAPT Review


Which of the following drugs is categorized as a hallucinogen? Hint: Review hallucinogens. Mescaline
Lithium toxicity may be seen when the client also used which of the following medications? Hint: Review use of lithium. Indomethacin
The client treated for anorexia may receive which of the following medications? Hint: Review pharmacologic treatment of anorexia. Periactin (cyproheptaadine)
Most of the medications used to treat the co-morbid conditions of eating disorders may cause which of the following side effects? Hint: Review pharmacologic treatment of eating disorders. Insomnia or somnolence
Clients taking sucralfate (Carafate) may have the absorption of which of the following drugs reduced? Hint: Review the drug interactions of sucralfate. Dilantin
Mellaril (Thioridazine) is most commonly given for which of the following reasons? Hint: Review use of mellaril. To increase level of alertness.
Triazolam (Halcion) is used to treat which of the following? Hint: Review use of Halcion. Insomnia
Clients who are receiving both an MAO inhibitor and valproate (Depakote, Depakene, Depacon) may experience which of the following? Hint: Review the drug interactions of valproate. The seizure threshold may be lowered and the effectiveness of valproate decreased.
Vitamin E has which of the following actions? Hint: Review use and action of Vitamin E. Antioxidant
Trihexyphenidyl (Artane or Trihexane) is used for which of the following reasons? Hint: Review use of trihexyphenidyl. To reduce the signs and symptoms of parkinsonian syndrome.
Hydralazine (Aresoline) may have its hypotensive effect potentiated by which of the following drugs? Hint: Review drug interactions of hydralazine MAO inhibitors
The client experiencing an asthma attack is ordered to receive albuterol (Ventolin). Which of the following side effects might the Psychiatric Technician observe? Nervousness and tremor
The client has an order to receive medication “pc”. This is to be administered how? Hint: Review commonly used abbreviations. After meals
Chronic use of aspirin and alcohol may have which of the following effects? Hint: Review drug interactions of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid. Increased risk of GI bleeding.
In an effort to prevent further ingestion of alcohol in chronic alcoholics which of the following medications may be administered? Hint: Review pharmacologic treatment of alcololism. Antabuse
Which of the following herbal products may potentiate the effect of MAO inhibitors? Hint: Review interactions of commonly used herbal products and their interaction with MAO inhibitors. Ginkgo Biloba
The use of Kava-Kava can potentiate the effect of which of the following medications? Hint: Review Kava-Kava for drug interactions. Xanax
Which of the following precautions MUST be taken prior to treatment with naltrexone? Hint: Review precautions needed for naltrexone. Client must be opiate free for 7-10 days prior to use of this medication.
The client receiving methadone should be monitored for which of the following side effects? Hint: Review side effects of methadone. Hypotension and bradycardia.
Antabuse may potentiate the effect of which of the following? Hint: Review drug interactions of Antabuse. Dilantin
Which of the following medications is given because of its antiemetic properties? Hint: Review antiemetic drugs. Compazine
The form of insulin with the quickest onset is which of the following? Hint: Review the onset of various forms of insulin Regular
The client receiving naltrexone should be monitored for which of the following side effects? Hint: Review side effects of naltrexone. Nervousness
The client reports taking secobarbital (Seconal) when he is too stressed, which is a few times a week. This client is at risk for developing which of the following? Hint: Barbiturates usually have a depressive effect. Review side effects of barbiturates. Hostile behavior
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) may be given for relief of which of the following symptoms? Hint: Review use of Benadryl. Seasonal allergic rhinitis
The medication ordered to by given “OU”. It must be administered by which of the following routes? Hint: Review commonly used abbreviations In both eyes
A client is being treated for Tylenol overdose with aceytlcystine(Mucosil).W/in 1 hour of admnstration of mucosil the client vomits.After consulting the Dr., what would be the most likely action taken by the PT?Hint: Review administration of mucosil. Readminister the dose.
The client is being treated with Lasix may also receive which of the following medications? Hint: Review side effects of diuretics and the subsequent treatment Slow-K
The symptoms of withdrawal from one drug can be reduced by the taking another drug. This is due to which phenomena? Hint: Review substance abuse and combinations of substances. Cross-tolerance
Schizophrenic clients who are unresponsive to conventional antipsychotic drugs, such as Thorazine, may be helped by which of the following drugs? Hint: Review pharmacologic treatment of schizophrenia. Clozaril
The client has a written order for medication to be given “AS”. The Psychiatric Technician will administer the medication by which of the following ways? Hint: Review commonly used abbreviations. In the left ear
The client with oral poisoning may receive which of the following medications? Hint: Review antidotes for oral poisoning, including accidental poisoning by children Activated charcoal
The client with elevated potassium might receive which of the following medications? Hint: Review treatment of elevated potassium Kayexalate
When the client uses different medications simultaneously, they may increase each other’s effects. This is referred to which of the following? Hint: Review the definitions of the above terms. Synergistic effect
The client receiving Haldol should be given which of the following instructions? Hint: Review precautions of Haldol Sunscreen and protective clothing should be used when exposed to the sun to prevent photosensitivity reactions.
Which of the following instructions is of particular importance for the client receiving drug therapy for HIV? Hint: Review precautions needed for drug therapy of the HIV client. Medications vary as to whether or not they are to be taken with food and what medications cannot be taken with each other.
Which of the following is the main reason why antiviral drugs are limited in their ability to inhibit viral replication in the HIV client? Hint: Review drug therapy of the HIV client. The virus develops a resistance to the drug.
A PT has just checked the glucose of d client and has found it to b 380mg/dL.Knowing that the fastest acting insulin will b indicated, which of the following forms of insulin will the PT expect to be ordered?Hint: Review onset of various forms of insulin. Regular insulin
A client, who is visually impaired, is preparing to dress for the day. Which of the following would be the best way to have his clothes selected? Hint: Review home tips for clients with visual impairment Place clothing in specific locations in the closets and drawers.
Which of the following is the only herbal medicine which research has shown to reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate levels of depression? Hint: Review use of herbal remedies as they relate to depression. St. John’s Wort
The Psychiatric Technician should have an understanding of the ethics of working with the mentally ill because: Hint: The Psychiatric Technician holds a position of public trust and care for a population that is impaired. The clients may have difficulty evaluating information they are given.
The client taking an MAO inhibitor should refrain from eating which of the following foods? Hint: Review foods to avoid when taking MAOI’s Sauerkraut
Which of the following medications should the Psychiatric Technician administer to a client with an order for “Fluphenazine”? Hint: Review trade names for “Fluphenzine Prolixin
The use of Anectine in ECT causes muscle contractions in which manner? Hint: Review the distinctive effect of anectine Affecting muscles in a head to toe direction.
D 45 year-old client has an order to have eardrops instilled.D PT does which of the following prior to instilling the drops to this client?Hint: The ear canal need to be straightened prior to administration of eardrops. Review technique for adult clients Pull the auricle upward and outward.
D 3 year-old client is to have eardrops instilled. What action should the PT take prior to administering the drops to this client? Hint: The ear canal need to be straightened prior to administration of eardrops. Review technique for children. Pull the auricle down and back.
D client has bn started on a regimen of Nardil nd s complaining of a terrible headache.W/ch of the following foods ingested by this client is most likely d cause of this?Hint:Clients taking Nardil must restrict d amount of tyramine-containing foods ingest Bologna sandwich
The Psychiatric Technician is observing a client for the development of extrapyramidal symptoms. Which of the following might the Psychiatric Technician observe?Hint: Review extrapyramidal symptoms. Difficulty swallowing and drooling.
The client is a chronic user of Acetaminophen. The Psychiatric Technician knows that acetaminophen interacts with barbiturates in which of the following ways?Hint: Review drug interactions. By increasing the potential for liver toxicity
Parenteral administration of iron should be given by... Hint: Define parental and check precautions about iron. intramuscular Z-track route
In a patient receiving digoxin (Lanoxin), low ___________ increases the risk of digitalis toxicity.Hint: Review appropriate lab values for digoxin. potassium
The Psychiatric Technician should inform a consumer taking phenazopyridine hydrochloride (Pyridium)that this medication: Hint: Review medication effects and side-effects. colors the urine orange or red.
The Psychiatric Technician should administer an aluminum hydroxide antacid___________an enteric coated medication. Hint: What happens to the enteric coated medication if it comes in contact with aluminum hydroxide 1 hour before
The consumer chokes on clear liquids. What intervention would be most helpful?Hint: What are the main risks with dysphagia? Get and order for a thickening agent
When preparing a cleansing enema, how much solution should the nurse use for an adult?Hint: Review cleansing enemas 750- 1,000 ml
Robaxin 0.3 GM IM was prescribed. The drug is available as 100mg/ml. The Psychiatric Technician would give _________ ml?Hint: Review equivalents. 3 ml
A client has recently been prescribed BuSpar (buspirone) for anxiety. Client teaching for this medication would include which of the following? Hint: BuSpar is not a benzodiazepine It may take as long as 3-4 weeks for this drug to become fully effective.
A client was admitted to a psych unit for depression & prescribed psych medications, she is also prescribed Precose (acarbose).D PT who is assigned to the medication room will carefully monitor this client’s:Hint: D chemical suffix -ose represents sugar. Blood glucose.
A client will receive Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) after having multiple episodes of major depression. Which medications will part of the ECT treatment? Hint: A short-acting barbiturate and a muscle-paralyzing agent are usually administered for ECT. Brevital (methohexital) and Anectine (succinylcholine).
The psychiatric technician is assigned to administer medication and treatments. A female client is to receive a topical medication to her face. How would the psychiatric technician apply this medication?Hint: Similar to the procedure for giving a bed bath Start with the forehead and spread down each side of the face in one direction.
During the admission process d client informs the psychiatric technician that he takes nitroglycerin for angina. D psychiatric technician is aware to monitor the client for what common adverse effects of this medication?Hint: Nitrates dilate blood vessels Postural hypotension and headache
A bipolar client was prescribed a maintenance dose of lithium carbonate 600 mg PO per day. Before discharge, the psychiatric technician will educate the client that:Hint: Prevention of litihium toxicity is essential. It is important to consume a normal salt diet while avoiding the consumption of diuretics.
D psychiatric technician is reviewing the client’s medication record & sees that d client has recently been prescribed Detrol(tolterodine tartrate).D PT knows dt this medication is prescribed for:Hint: 1 classification of this drug s anticholinergic agent Overactive bladder.
The psychiatrist orders Risperdal Consta (risperidone) 25 mg IM every two weeks. In relation to the administration of this medication, the psychiatric technician knows that it: Hint: It’s a suspension. Has to be reconstituted by shaking it vigorously.
What class of medications may produce the adverse side effects of a “moon face” or “buffalo hump?” Hint: These medications cause fluid retention and alter fat deposition Glucocorticoids
The psychiatric technician must assesses clients experiencing dementia and taking medications like Aricept (donepezil), Reminyl (galantamine) and Namenda (memantine) for the possible side effects of:Hint: Review medications for cognitive impairment. Dizziness, headache, and gastrointestinal upset.
The cardiac medication that is sometimes administered as an adjunct medication for opiod addiction would be:Hint: Review therapeutic effects for cardiac drugs Catapres (clonidine)
A client taking the medication disulfiram (Antabuse) would need education that if this medication is consumed with alcohol that the client might experience these symptoms?Hint: Review side effects for Antabuse Nausea, vomiting, throbbing headache, sweating, tachycardia and hypotension
A client will receive Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) after having multiple episodes of major depression. Which medications will part of the ECT treatment? Hint: A short-acting barbiturate and a muscle-paralyzing agent are usually administered for ECT. Brevital (methohexital) and Anectine (succinylcholine)
During d admission process the client informs the PT that he takes nitroglycerin for angina. The psychiatric technician is aware to monitor the client for what common adverse effects of this medication?Hint: Nitrates dilate blood vessels Postural hypotension and headache
The client is to receive Demerol (meperidine hydrochloride) 50 mg PO every 3-4 hours PRN for pain. The PT would know not to administer this drug and call the physician if respirations were:Hint: Review the normal respiratory rate for adults. 12 - 11
Two benzodiazepine medications that are used to treat status epilepticus would be:Hint: Review actions of benzodiazepines Valium (diazepam) and Ativan (lorazepam).
The psychiatric technician reviews a new order for tetracycline hydrochloride. The client receiving this medication is educated regarding:Hint: Review side effects for antibiotics. Avoiding the sun due to possible photosensitivity effects.
An adolescent client is prescribed Dilantin (phenytoin) while residing in a long-term care facility. One of the most important nursing goals of the treatment plan for this client would be:Hint: This medication can cause gingival hyperplasia. Client will be able to demonstrate good oral hygiene.
An elderly female client asks the psychiatric technician, “What is Lunesta used for and what would be the highest dosage a person can take?” The psychiatric technician responds by stating:Hint: Sleep medication would be taken in the evening. Insomnia and 3 mg.
The psychiatric technician is assigned to the medication room. She notices that a new client will be receiving hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL). She knows that with this client she will be assessing for:Hint: Hydro refers to water. Hypertension and edema.
The client is receiving Zoloft (sertraline) and the psychiatric technician is required to write a nursing outcome. Which of the following would be a possible outcome for a person receiving this medication?Hint: Zoloft can affect the GI tract. The client will report a normal pattern of bowel functioning
The patient is receiving prednisone on a long-term basis. The psychiatric technician would double check the patient’s food tray since this patient should be receiving a diet consisting of:Hint: Prednisone can cause fluid and electrolyte problems. Low sodium and high potassium.
The psychiatric technician observes that many clients on a long-term psychiatric unit are receiving atypical antipsychotic medications. She would carefully monitor these clients for the adverse effects of:Hint: They can affect blood glucose. Diabetes mellitus.
The physician prescribed glycerin for a 14-year-old child that is constipated. The psychiatric technician would know to administer this medication:Hint: Review medication treatment for constipation. As a suppository
A male client asks the psychiatric technician if there are any possible sexual side effects from Desyrel (trazodone). The psychiatric technician responds by stating:Hint: Desyrel can cause a prolonged painful erection. Ejaculation inhibition and priapism.
The psychiatric technician is taking care of a client who is receiving morphine. He would be carefully monitoring this client for common adverse effects such as:Hint: Morphine is a narcotic. Constipation and nausea/vomiting.
The psychiatric technician would expect to see which of the following psychiatric nursing diagnoses with the medication Anafranil (clomipramine)?Hint: Anafranil is primarily used for OCD. Anxiety
The client is being administered codeine. What would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client?Hint: Codeine is prescribed for pain and coughing Risk for Ineffective Airway Clearance related to respiratory secretions
D patient asks the PT for his albuterol (Proventil). He takes two quick inhalations. The psychiatric technician teaches him to allow how much time between the first and second inhalation?Hint:The medication needs to enter the bloodstream. One minute
One of the psychiatric technician’s assigned patients is receiving Lasix (furosemide). The psychiatric technician would be aware that the patient should be observed for possible:Hint: Lasix is a diuretic. Dehydration.
The newly admitted patient informs the PT that one of the medications she is taking at home is Imitrex (sumatriptan). The psychiatric technician would know that this medication would be used for:Hint: This medication is a vasoconstrictor. Migraine Headaches.
The client has been prescribed Depakote (divalproex sodium) 500 mg PO every day. The psychiatric technician would know that the therapeutic blood level range for this medication would be:Hint: Review blood lab values. 50-100 mcg/ml.
The psychiatric technician observes on the medication record that the client is to receive Clozaril (clozapine) 150 mg PO BID. He would:Hint: Review dosage range for Clozaril. Give by mouth two times a day.
A priority nursing diagnosis for the client with Dementia of the Alzhemier’s Type that is present for every stage of this disease would be:Hint: Safety is always a priority. Risk for Injury.
The PT notices that a client is receiving Zocor (simvastatin) while another client is receiving Lipitor (atorvastatin). He educates both these clients to limit their intake of which of the following liquids?Hint: May cause myopathy or rhabdomyolysis. Grapefruit juice
What would be an average dose of Xanax (alprazolam) per day? Hint: Benzodiazepines for anxiety tend to be small doses. 0.25-0.5 mg TID
The PT is preparing medication. He observes that the medication record reads: Abilify (aripiprazole) 150 mg PO for psychosis every morning. He reviews the physician’s order in the client’s chart because: Hint: Review psychotropic medication. The dosage is beyond the maximum amount.
The client has been prescribed Retrovir (zidovudine). One of the most important aspects of client teaching for this medication would be:Hint: Retrovir can cause hematological disorders. Be aware of signs and symptoms of anemia and report it immediately.
Which one of the following medications would contraindicated if a child displayed flu-like symptoms?Hint: Can cause Reye’s syndrome. aspirin
A client receiving a MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) asks what liquids he should avoid. The psychiatric technician responds that he should limit:Hint: Besides tyramine, pressor agents should be avoided. Caffeinated drinks.
A client has been receiving a traditional antipsychotic medication for almost two months. The psychiatric technician would carefully monitor this client for any possible extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) of:Hint: Review stages of EPS Akathisia.
A client had been receiving Clozaril(clozapine) when he developed neuroleptic malignant syndrome(NMS). W/c of the following medications would the PT expect to see the client being administered to treat this condition?Hint: Review medications to treat NMS. Parlodel (bromocriptine) or (Dantrium) dantrolene
A client has had consistent blood pressure readings of 136/80 & s concerned about d possibility of hypertension in the future & is fearful about taking medication. Wt dietary supplement should b increased?Hint:Minerals are needed for electrolyte balance. Calcium and potassium.
A 66-year-old female client is receiving calcium as part of her treatment for osteoporosis. The psychiatric may expect to hear her report that she is experiencing the side effect of:Hint: Review side effects of calcium. Constipation.
The Psychiatric Technician would administer medication ordered "a.c." at: Hint: Knowing medical abbreviations is essental for pouring medications. Before meals.
Vitals for a client taking Lanoxin (digitalis) are Respirations 14; Pulse 62; B/P 90/64; Temp. 99°. What would you chart at 1200 hour medication administration?Hint: Review side effects of Lanoxin. Initial the Lanoxin as given.
What action would you take when administering ferrous sulfate suspension P.O. Hint: Review side effects of Lanoxin. Give through a straw.
What is the finishing step when administering medication via G.T.? Hint: Review procedures for GT med administrations. Flush with about 30 cc of water.
Which description would demonstrate the PT’s compliance with medication orders that read, “Flu Vaccine 0.5 ml I.M.”Hint: Review IM sites. Hint: Review IM sites. Given in the left deltoid at 90° angle.
Which description would demonstrate the PT’s knowledge of the correct site for an injection ordered as “I.M. right deltoid”?Hint: Review IM sites. Two finger widths below the acromion process and above the axillary line.
Which medication would most likely be given for sedation to a client prior to a visit to the dentist?Hint: The Psychiatric Technician must know the use and purpose of medications chloral hydrate
Which medication would you expect to observe extrapyramidal side-effects?Hint: Review side effects of neuroleptics. Stelazine (trifluoperazine)
Which medication would you expect to see lab work ordered as long as the client was taking it?Hint: Medication effectiveness is dependent on serum levels. Tegretol (carbamazepine)
Which medication would you expect to see ordered to counteract extrapyramidal side-effects?Hint: Review treatment of extrapyramidal effects (EPS.) Cogentin (benztropine mesylate)
Which of the following medications is used for the treatment of scabies:Hint: The Psychiatric Technician must know the use and purpose of medications kwell
Which of the following medications would be one you would expect ordered as the drug of choice for status epilepticus?Hint: Check treatment for status epilepticus. Valium (diazepam)
Which of the following medications would decrease the production of hydrochloric acid? Hint: Medications that inhibit the gastirc acid secrection are H2 recptor antagonist tagamet
Which of the following medications would the physician order for angina?Hint: A treatment focused on the dialation of arteries, ment to decrease the work load on the heart nitroglycerin gr. 1/150 sublingual
Which of the following would reflect normalization principles applied to the goal of medication administration? The Psychiatric Technician would:Hint: Autonomy is a principle of normalization. encourage self-administration of meds.
A consumer is given a placebo that controls her maladaptive behaviors. The PT knows that a placebo is: Hint: A placebo is any treatment that produces an effect because of its intent and not because of its physical or chemical properties. an inactive substance given to satisfy the patient's demand for medication.
Which of the following medications increases production of repiratory tract fluids to help liquify and reduce the viscosity of thick tenacious secretions Hint: Expectorants can liquify secretions and help the client bring up sputum Robitussin
If a client experienced constipation related to inactivity a stool softener called ____________ may be prescribed: Hint: Bulk-forming agents and stool softeners should be used instead of laxatives for constipation Colace
Which medication would be expected as an order for gastic hypermotility and pylorospasms? Hint: Review meds that calm smooth muscle of the GI tract. Donnatal
A client may be given which medication to reduce stomach acidity? Hint: Antacids reduce pepsin activity, strengthen mucosal barrier and esophageal sphincter tone. Maalox
A client with a history of petit mal seizures might recieve? Hint: Anticonvulsants prevent or decrease seizure activity Depakane
Which of the following medications is indicated for hypertension? Hint: Antihyptertention agents, specifically Alpha blockers, produce vasodilation to reduce peripheral vascular resistance. Minipress
The physician had ordered Tylenol # 3 for pain. The Psychiatric Technician knows that Tylenol # 3 contains: Hint: Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents are most often used in the treatment of pain as single agents or in combination. Codeine
When administering insulin, the Psychiatric Technician knows that the injection sites should be rotated because: Hint: When caring for an insulin-dependent diabetic, site selection & rotation is crucial repeated use of the same site can result in unpredictable insulin absorption.
A pt's bld sugar (BS) is 369.A sliding scale orders reg insulin as follows:5units(u.)if B.S.200-249;10u.if B.S.250-299;15u.if B.S. 300-349;20u.if B.S. 350-399;(B.S.over 400,call d physician.)D PT will: give 20 units of regular insulin.
When a Psychiatric Technician has finished drawing the insulin into a syringe, the correct procedure would be to: Hint: Regular insulin is a clear solution that does not contain a protein which would slow absorption. have another licensed person check the order, the amount of insulin, and the bottle from which the insulin was taken.
The Psychiatric Technician knows that NPH insulin is a suspension. Consequently, the Psychiatric Technician would: Hint: When administering any suspension the psychiatric technician knows that it must be shaken to evenly distribute the medication. roll the bottle gently between the hands until it is well mixed.
What would be the most reasonable precaution before administering a benzodiazapine p.r.n. to a person taking a neuroleptic medication? to check the client's vital signs before administering it.
After administering an injection for influenza vaccination, the Psychiatric Technician should: Hint: Approximately 800,000 needlestick and sharps injuries occur each year in health care settings. leave the needle uncapped and dispose of the entire unit in a specially marked isolation container.
The order states that the medication is to be given stat. The Psychiatric Technician will give the medication:Hint: Review medication timing. immediately.
The client is to have a tuberculin skin test. The Psychiatric Technician will: Hint: Review procedures for PPD. inject the skin test solution just beneath the outer layer of the skin to form a wheal with a small gauge needle.
When administering insulin, the Psychiatric Technician will: check both the vial and the prepared dose with another licensed person.
The client is to have the medication administered via the sublingual route. The Psychiatric Technician will:Hint: Medical terminology is important to understand orders. place the medication under the client’s tongue.
When administering eye preparations, the Psychiatric Technician knows that the term o.d. means: right eye
The client receiving furosemide (lasix) is encouraged to eat foods containing potassium. Which of the following is readily available as a good source of potassium? Hint: Knowledge of nutrition is important in treatment planning. orange juice
The client receiving digoxin is being observed for toxicity. Which of the following must be reported to the physician? Hint: Review drug precautions. an apical pulse below 60
A client with bipolar dis. arrives to d outpatient clinic w/ complaints of itching&redness in both eyes. D Dr orders gentamicin sulfate ophthalmic ii drops O.D. b.i.d. D PT knows that the med will b ad Hint:It s impt to know abbreviations when admin meds. in the right eye.
The client, a 45-year-old male with Down’s syndrome has been diagnosed with pneumonia and has been receiving Ampicillin 250 mg p.o. q 8 hours for the past 2 days. Which statement below is most important for the Psychiatric Technician to know? Observe the client for possible allergic reaction.
D pt has bn receiving Aspirin 325 mg daily. D client states dt after taking d med, his stomach feels upset. W/c intervention would most help the client? Ask the physician to order the medication as an enteric coated tablet.
D PT is caring fr a 68 year old man w/ a hx of CHF. Upon discharge, a prescription is given for Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg S.L. PRN. Important teaching about this drug includes: Hint: Increasing oxygen delivery to the heart muscle will help relieve chest pain. This medication is a vasodilator to relieve pain in angina.
Your client is receiving digoxin 0.250 mg p.o. q.d. You are educating your client about the drug. Which set of symptoms listed below may be indicative of toxicity of this drug? Hint: Digitalis slows and strengthens the heart. Nausea, diarrhea, pulse below 60 beats a minute.
The Psychiatric Technician caring for the consumer on digitalis knows that: Hint: All patients are assessed prior to giving digoxin. Hypokalemia potentiates the action of digoxin. If the apical pulse is below 60, the medication is held and the physician is notified.
The client arrives to the clinic and states she has ingested 25 Tylenol tablets. An immediate call is made to poison control. Which initial direction is most likely to help this consumer? Hint: Vomiting will help expel the drug from the system. Administer Ipecac Syrup 15 ml with 3 glasses of water.
A patient is experiencing profuse diarrhea and would be ordered to receive which of the following medications? Hint: Decrease in gastric motility will lead to decrease in diarrhea. lomotil
Extrapyramidal side effects include which of the following?Hint: Words listed under "side effects" should be understood. dysphagia, drooling, tremors, and shuffling gait.
The client receiving Tegretol should be observed for which of the following side effects?Hint: Tegretol decreases synaptic transmissions in CNS. ataxia and drowsiness.
Which medication would the Psychiatric Technician expect to see ordered to treat simple and complex absence seizures? Hint: This drug asts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. depakote
Which of the following would the Psychiatric Technician expect to be ordered as the drug of choice for the treatment of tonic-clonic seizures? dilantin
Which of the following would the Psychiatric Technician expect to be ordered as the drug of choice for the treatment of grand mal seizures? dilantin
Which of the following medications acts by neutralizing gastric acid? Hint: Antacids neutralize gastric acid. mylanta
Tigan would be administered to the patient to control which of the following? Hint: This medication inhibits the stimulation of the chemoreceptor in the medulla. nausea and vomiting
A patient presenting with symptoms of schizophrenia would most likely be treated with which of these medications? Hint: Antipsychotic drugs are used to manage symmptoms of schizophrenia. mellaril
Which of the following medications would the Psych Tech expect to see ordered to reduce the symptoms of, promote the safety and enhance the self-care abilities of the psychotic patient? Hint: Review antipsychotic medications. Loxitane (loxapine)
The patient diagnosed with general anxiety disorder would most likely be treated with which of the following medications? Xanax (alprazolam)
The patient being treated with a mood stabilizer might receive which of these drugs? Hint: In the acute stage of mania the desired outcomes of intervention are to eliminate the manic symptoms. Lithium
Cardizem (Diltiazem) is given to manage which of the following? Atrial fibrilation
The Psych Tech caring for the depressed patient would most likely see which of the following drugs ordered? Paxil
Antipsychotic agents administered PO should be given: Hint: Administration precautions very from drug to drug and should be understood. With milk, food or a full glass of water.
Cordorone (Amiodarone) is classified as which of the following? Hint: Review drug classification. Antiarrhythmic agent.
Herbal remedies are: Not regulated by the FDA and may act as antagonists for prescribed medications.
The client should be advised the therapeutic effects of an antidepressant can usually be see in: 2-4 weeks of treatment.
When administering benzodiazepines the Psych Tech would need to be sure that the client swallows the medication to prevent: Hint: Benzodiazepines are category IV controlled substances. Potential abuse and overdose when medication is saved and self-administered at a later time.
Nitroglycerine’s actions include which of these?Hint: Review action of nitroglycerine. Increases coronary blood flow by dilating coronary arteries.
The Psych Tech would observe the client receiving insulin for which of the following signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia? Hint: Review signs of hypoglycemia. Anxiety and excessive hunger.
A client receiving Inderal (propranolol) should be monitored for which of the following potential side effects? Fatigue and bradycardia
The Psych Tech might expect the client receiving Diuril to also receive which of the following? Hint: Review use of diuretics including precautions. K-Phos
Tofranil would be most likely administered to the adult client to treat which of the following? Hint: Review use of Tofranil. Depression
The client receiving Nifedipine (Procardia) should be monitored for which of the following side effects Hypotension
The physician orders “NPH Insulin 40 units SQ QD”. The insulin is administered at 8:00 a.m. When should the glucose level be checked for peak effect? Hint: Review insulin for time of peak effect. 1600
A client is admitted to the acute psych care at 5:00 p.m. There is an order for NPH Insulin 20 units SQ QD. The Psych Tech should do which of the following? Hint: An admission assessment should be done on all clients. Ask the client or his family if the insulin was already taken today.
The Psych Tech would expect to give which of the following medications to a client experiencing wheezing? Hint: Review commonly used bronchodilators. Proventil
Clients being treated for inflammatory diseases might receive which of the following corticosteroids? Hint: Review commonly prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. Prednisone
Your client is showing signs of respiratory depression following the administration of morphine sulfate. Which of these drugs would most likely be given as an antidote? Hint: Review morphine sulfate and drugs used for reversal. Naloxone (Narcan)
Gentamycin (Cidomycin & Garamycin) is used for its bactericidal effects against which of these? Hint: Review Indications for gentamycin. Gram negative bacteria
Meperidine (Demerol) given IM should begin to offer relief from discomfort when? Hint: Review Demerol for time of onset based on method of administration. Within 10-15 minutes
The child being treated for attention deficit disorder might be given which of the following medications? Hint: ADD may be treated with stimulants. Review treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder. Ritalin
Compared to the general patient population medication given to the elderly client may result in which of the following? Hint: Review metabolism of drugs by the elderly client. Higher plasma level and a prolonged effect of the drug.
Withdrawal of anti-seizure medications is generally:Hint: Review use of antiseizure medications. Done over a period of weeks or months.
The type of drug used to treat psychological behaviors in Alzheimer Type Dementia is selected based on which of the following? Hint: Review pharmacologic treatment of Alzheimers type Dementia. The symptoms the client presents.
Inderal (propranalol) should be given cautiously to clients who have which of the following? Renal or liver impairment
Your patient has received an excessive amount of heparin. The antidote to be given to reverse the effects of heparin is which of the following? Protamine sulfate
Cardizem is being administered to the patient. Which of the following side effects might be seen? Hint: Review side effects of cardizem. Congestive heart failure
Created by: Sanctus Verus
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