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GI Drugs

GI drugs

What stimulates the vomiting center in the medulla? emetics
What regurgitates the contents in the stomach and the upper duodenum? emetics
Amorphine is what kind of drug? emetic
Syrup of Ipecac is what kind of drug? emetic
How do you give amorphine? parental
How do you give syrup of ipecac? by mouth
Name one advantage and one disadvantage of amorphine. 1.15 min onset 2.sedative effect
Name one advantage of syrup of ipecac and one disadvantage. 2.30 min onset
Who should you not give emetics to? 1.pts. with decr. gag reflex 2.pts. that ingested petroleum distilants or caustic materials
What should you do every time you give an emetic? Follow with charcoal.
What class of drug is simethicone/ Mylicon? Antiflatulent
What is the function of an antiflatulent? Disperse gas pockets.
When would you use simethicone/ Mylicon? Prior to a diagnostic procedure of the abdomen.
What is an adverse effect of an antiflatulent? Expulsion of excess gas.
Name the three digestive agents. 1.Gastric (HCl) 2.Pancreatic (Pancreatin) 3.Hepatic (Bile Salts)
What is HCl used for? Treats hypochlohdyria because an acidic pH is required to change pepsinogen to pepsin.
How do you administer HCl? Via a straw to prevent damage to tooth enamel.
What type of patient would you not give HCl to? One with PUD. (contraindication)
Pancreatin is used as: replacement therapy and taken with meals
What are Bile Salts used for? 1.Stimulate the production of bile and promote bile flow from liver. 2.Prevent gallstones
Who would you not give Bile Salts to? Pts. with biliary obstruction.
What are the two types of anti-diarrheal drugs? 1.Systemic: Opium derivative (Lomotil) 2.Topical: Kaopectate
How does Lomotil work? By decreasing peristalsis in the large and small intestine.
How does Kaopectate work? 1.It is an adsorbent and has a soothing effect on the intestines. 2.Mild action
What do you use Lomotil for? 1.acute non-specific diarrhea an additive to feeding to tubes to prevent diarrhea
What do you use Kaopectate for? To treat diarrhea causes by bacteria or toxin.
What is a side effect of Kaopectate? It decreases the absorption of some medications.
What should nurses do when giving anti-diarrheals? 1.assess bowel functions not use for more than 48 hrs
Name the types of laxatives. 1.Hyperosmolars 2.Fiber/Bulk forming 3.Emolient/Stool softener 4.Stimulants/Irritants 5.Lubricant
What are three types of Hyperosmolars? 1.MOM 2.Fleets 3.Glycerin suppository
What is the function of a hyperosmolar? They have an osmotic effect.
What would you use to evacuate a large bowel? hyperosmolar
What is the onset of action for hyperosmolars? 1.PO:12-24hrs 2.suppository:30min
Name the side effects of hyperosmolars. 1.hypovolemia 2.electrolyte imbalance 3.abdominal cramping
Name a fiber/bulk forming laxative. Metamucil
What is the function of Metamucil? To increase the fecal bulk and water content.
What is the onset of action for fiber/bulk forming laxative? 2-4 days
Why would you use Metmucil? 1.Prevent constipation 2.Treat diarrhea
What is a side effect of fiber/bulk forming laxatives? Obstruction due to decreased water intake during administration.
Name an emolient/ stool softener. Surfak
What is the function of Surfak? Causes water to enter the stool.
What is the onset of action for Surfak? 1-3 days
When would you use an emolient/stool softener? who should avoid straining at stool 2.for pts. with diseases of the rectum or anus
Name a stimulant/irritant. Ducolax
What is the function of stimulants/irritants? Directly irritates the bowel and stimulates the nerve endings of the intestinal smooth muscle.
What is the onset of action for Ducolax? 1.PO:6-12hrs 2.suppository:30min
Why would you use a stimulant/irritant? To empty the bowel. It is very potent.
What are the side effects of Ducolax? 1.Discolor urine 2.cause renal fissures
Who would you not give a stimulant/irritant to? Patients with 1.abdominal pain 2.nausea 3.rectal fissures 4.vomiting
What is Mineral Oil? A lubricant.
What do you use mineral oil for? To treat and prevent constipation. To treat impaction.
What is the onset of a lubricant? 1.po:6-8hrs 2.enema-2hrs
What is the function of mineral oil? It creates a barrier between stool and colon wall, retaining water in the stool.
What are the side effects of lubricants? 1.decreased absorption of fat soluble vitamins 2. lipid aspiration
What are the contraindications of lubricants? Do not give to patients who have recently had rectal surgery.
What should you teach patients to avoid having to use laxatives? 1.consume adequate bulk and fiber 2.get adequate exercise 3.respond readily to defecation impulses 4.allow sufficient time to defecate 5.decrease emotional stress
Name the types of antiemetics. 1.antihistimine 2.Phenthiazides 3.other
Name a drug that is a antihistamine antiemetic. Benadryl
What are antihistamine antiemetics used for? To treat motion sickness and nausea associated with narcotics.
What are the side effects of Benadryl? 1.sedation 2.anticholinergic effects
How would you administer Benadryl? 1.IM 2.Suppository 3.PO
Name a phenothiazide antiemetic. Phenergan
What is the function of Phenergan? Blocks the CNS receptors.
What are some side effects of phenothiazide antiemetics? 1.sedation 2.photosensitivity
How does Emetecon work? It centrally inhibits nausea associated with anesthesia.
Why is Emetecon a good antiemetic? It rarely causes sedation.
What is the name of a transdermal patch used to treat nausea from motion sickness. Scopolamine
How does Reglan work? It increases GI motility and supresses the vomiting center. Often used with tube feedings.
What is PUD caused by? 1.increased HCl production 2.damage to mucosal layers due to drugs 3.increased nocturnal acid production
What types of drugs treat PUD? 1.antacids 2. histamine receptor antagonists 3.other
How do antacids treat PUD? They mix with stomach contents to raise the pH(3-3.5)
What is the duration of action for antacids? 1.empty stomach:1hr 2.with meals:3hrs
What kind of drugs would you use to treat and prevents heartburn and PUD? antacids
What are some side effects of antacids? 1.diarrhea 2.constipation 3.electrolyte imbalance
Name some histamine (H2) receptor antagonists. 1.cimetidine/Tagamet 2.fomatidine/Pepcid 3.rantidine/Zantac
How does Tagamet work? It binds with H2 receptor sites and prevents HCl secretion.
Which drug adheres to ulcer sites and forms a protective barrier around it. Sucralfate/carafate
Which drug is used in the short term treatment of reflux exophagitis? omeprazole/Prilosec
How does Prilosec work? It inhibits a step in the acid production process.
Created by: aml2683
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