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El Hogar 1

house vocab

rooms cuartos
comedor dining room
bedroom dormitorio
office oficina
salon living room
front hall zagun
blouse blusa
baggy pants bombachas
boots botas
shirt camisa
t-shirt camiseta
skirt falda
cap tobangen gorro
pants pantalones
suit traje
dress vestido
clothes ropa
furinture muebles
file cabient archivo
armario wardrobe
bench banco
cama bed
escritorio desk
shelf estante
closet ropero
chair silla
arm chair sillon
chores quehaceres
sweep the floor barrer el suelo
vacanum the carpet cepillar las alfombras
cut the firewood corta la lena
watch the kids cuidar de los ninos
scrub the dishes fregar las ollas
clean the cristals limpiar los cristales
iron the hankercif planchar los panuelos
to get the mail recoger el correo
to take out the trash sacar la bascura
to shake pillows sacudir las almohadas
to dry the plates secar los platos
to set the table poner la mesa
quitar la mesa clean away the table
descirbitions descripciones
furnished floor un piso amueblado
a large room una sala ancha
air-conditioned office una oficina climatizada
una cocina limpia clean kitchen
la privacidad de la propiedad private property
dirty bathroom un bano sucio
urban graden un jardin urbano
sight of the ocean una vista al mar
un vivienda de lujo living in luxury
personas people
anfitrion host
cook cocinero
servant criado
employe empleado
family familia
relatives familiares
guest huespedes
herraminetas tools
cepillo brush
screwdriver destornilldor
hammer martillo
tweezers pinzas
sierra saw
broom escoba
aparatos machine
electrodomesticos appliances
socket enchufe
estufa heater
oven horno
dishwasher lavaplatos
washer lavadora
telephone line linea de telefono
mircowave microondas
ordenador computer
hairdyer secadora
platos dishes
roast asados
sandwich bocabdillos
chocolate candies bombones
bullion bullabesa
broth caldo
stew guisado
paella rice dish
pastas pasta (wow you're a genuis)
queso cheese
salsa salsa
tortilla tortilla
yogur yogurt
cubiertos place setting
napkins sevilleta
tenedor fork
cuchillo knife
cuchara spoon
plato plate
contiendo contents
colestrol cholestrol
digestivos like tums
fibra fiber
fecula starch
grease grasa
herbs hierbas
proteina protien
sacarina fake sugar
vitaminas vitamins
postres desserts
churros churros
conos cones
galletas cookies
helado ice cream
merengue meregue
nata cream
pasteles pasteres
tarta cake
torta filled roll
hiebras herbs
albahaca basil
spring onion cebolleta
cummin comino
mint menta
parsley perejil
rosemary romero
thyme tomillo
medidas measurements
cucharada spoonful
kilograma kilogram
kilo kil
racion de gambas portion of foot
trozo de torta piece or slice of cake
tamano size
tallo size
el jardin garden
olivas olives
garaje garage
bedroom alcoba
artichoke alcachofas
toliet retrete
cottage cheese requeson
recetas recipe
facuet grifo
ollas pan
agrio sour
alimenticio eatable
apectecible apteiable
culianrio culanary
dietetico diet
dulce sweet
equilibrado equally
esponjoso fluffly
estupendo stupendous
exquistito esquitiste
hidrogenado hydrogenable
higienico hygenic
jugoso juicy
cocido cooked
crudo raw
saludable healthy
variado various
vegetariano vegetarian
verduras vegatables
apio celery
broculi broculli
rabanos raddish
zanahorias carrots
condimentos condiments
oil aciete
garlic ajo
saffran azafran
onion cebolla
marinated escabeche
herbs; fiber hebras
mushrooms hongos
pepper pimiento
lard manteca
butter mantequilla
vinager vinagre
aves birds
turkey pavo
chicken pollo
duck pato
muslo thigh
breast pechuga
pescados fish
calamares squid
camarones shrimp
shrimp gambas
octopus pulpo
seafood platter marisco
trout trucha
especias specials
sugar azucar
chocolate chocolate
coco coco
frutas fruit
cheeries cereza
dates datiles
strawberries fresas
peach melocoton
pasas raisin
sandia watermelon
carnes meat
cerdo pork
lamb chop chuleta
cochinillo pig
cordero lamb
raw crudo
res steak; beef
salachicha sausage
ternera veal
alimentar to feed
alimento food
aluminio aluminium
amarillo yellow
orange anaranjado
apetito apetite
aroma aroma
arroz rice
design arquitectonico
wine cellar bodega
pocket bolsillo
ceramica ceramics
basis; concrete cimiento
to freeze congelar
crizana breast-feeding
cuido care
cultivo cultured
dieta diet
digestivos tums
encender to light
enfriar to get cold
enseres goods
envovler to cover
escaleras stairs
esmalte nail polish
estimulate stimulate
estimular to stimlate
exterior exterior
facade; putward apperance of a house fachada
bottom fondo
fire fuego
to melt a light bulb fundir una bombilla
range of colors gamas de colores
grain grano
ivy hiedra
inmobiliario unmoving
linen lino
place lugar
wood madera
pet mascota
material materiales
to grind moler
dolls munecas
pieces pedazo
perfume perfume
chopped picado
picaportes handle latch
pieces piezas
ground floor planta baja
dust polvo
holding room portal
to pin to prender
to try probar
to repair reparar
satreril tayloring
satin satinado
silk seda
tela fabric
tenir to dye
umbral threshold
vidrio glass
Created by: smcurrey528
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