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Dev in F, w & Eli

Deviation in Food, Water and Elimination

What is a diverticulum? A saclike herniation of the lining of the bowel that extends throught a defect in the muscle layer.
What is Diverticulosis? Multiple diverticula are present without inflammatin or symptoms.
What is diverticulitis? Results when food and bacteria retained in a diverticulm produce infection and inflammation.
What are complications of diverticulitis? Abscess, fistula formation, obstruction, perforation, peritonitis and hemorrahage.
What is Gastroesphageal Reflux Disease GERDs? A back flow of gastric or duodenal contents into the esophagus.
What is a hernia? A protusion of an organ or part of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it.
What is pyrosis? Heartburn
What is stomatitis? Inflammation of the oral mucous
What are the symptoms of GERDs? Burning sensation in the esophagus, indigestion, regurgitation, dysphagia, or pain on swallowing.
What is dyspepsia? Indigestion
What is Barrett's esophagus? A condition in which the lining of the esophageal mucosa is altered.
What is gastritis? Inflammation of the stomach mucosa.
A peptic ulcer may be referred to as? Gastric, duodenal or esophageal ulcer depending on its location.
What is H. pylori or Helicobacter pylori? An infection which infects the stomach. It is a common cause of peptic ulcers.
Peptic ulcer disease may be treated with antibiotics to eradicate? H. pylori.
How does a Histamine-2 receptor antagonists work? It acts by blocking or stopping the pathway that leads to the secretion of stomach acid. They are used to treat conditions associated with excess amounts of stomach acid.
What is a proton pump inhibitor? A group of drugs that reduce the secretion of gastric (stomach) acid.
Potential complications of peptic ulcer disease? Hemorrhage, perforation, penetration, and gastric outlet obstruction.
Another name for Pyloric obstruction? Gastric outlet obstruction (GOO)
What is irritable bowel syndrome? A functional disorder that affects frequency of defecation and consistency of stool; is associated with no specific structural or biochemical alterations; associated with abdominal pain.
What is peritonitis? Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity.
What is a colostomy? A surgical opening into the colon by means of a stoma to allow drainage of bowel contents.
What is the esophagus? A hollow muscular tube, which is approximately 10 inches in length, passes through the diaphragm.
What is the stomach? Located in the left upper portion of the abdomen. A hollow muscular organ with a capacity of approximately 1500 ml.
The stomach has anatomic regions known as? The cardia (entrance), fundus, body, pylorus (outlet).
The process by which nutrients enter the bloodstream occurs in the? Small intestines
The sections of the small intestines are? The duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.
What is the name of the sphincter that controls the flow of digestion material from the ileum into the cecal portion of the large intestines. The ileocecal value
The large intestines consists of? Ascending, transverse, descending segments, sigmoid colon, the rectum, and the anus.
Secreted by the glands of the stomach? Hydrochloric acid
Created by: markrocco
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